The Hideout

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Okay, okay, hi. I know this isn't a lot, but I got 17 reads on the first chapter. Yay! More than I was expecting, really. Thank you for that! I'm so happy and this gives me a lot of motivation for this chapter!

- Zay Zay :)
"Bye, mom" I say to myself as I open the door and walk outside, slamming it behind me. The sun was beginning to go down so it was the perfect time for me.

I decided to walk to "The Hideout." The Hideout is where me and a handful of kids from my school go to get high, drink, smoke, and shit like that. I've been going to The Hideout ever since I moved to that shithole house and started to get abused. It's the only place I ever felt safe. And I know, I know, drugs are never the right answer... they just help me cope with everyday struggles I have in my house, at school, and with myself.

The Hideout is a fairly decent distance to get to if you're walking and I obviously can't drive. My mother doesn't let me anywhere near her car. She said it's the one thing she won't let me ruin. It's a shitty car anyways, so it doesn't bother me.

Walking through a deserted parking lot, I begin to see a group of people in the distance and a small bright light. A lighter. There's two, no three of them, one girl and two boys. The first boy is lighting up a bud for the girl while the second boy is sitting on the back of a decent looking car... reading a book?

As I walked closer, I could make out their features.

The boy lighting up the bud for the girl has dark brown, almost black hair, and looks like he has light blue eyes with freckles dotting his face. He has a pretty good build, but definitely out of my league and not my type. The girl who's now smoking a bud has long curly ginger hair and dark green eyes that look more focused on watching the sky then anything. The boy reading a book had short dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. His build was a little less then the first guy, but he was still pretty fit and still out of my league, but he's kinda cute.

I had never seen someone reading at a place like this. He's definitely new. almost all people who come to The Hideout, know me because I come here anytime my mom tells me to get out or I leave on my own.

As I walk closer, I see a couple more people parked across from them. Two guys that I see often here, Brent and Ty. And this time, they brought a girl who was also sitting on the trunk of Ty's car.

"Hey, Jules!" Brent says to me and Ty waves. I stop walking and turn to them then return the greeting and wave.

Brent has a very muscular build which is expected, as he is a jock at school. He's surprisingly very chill around people and isn't a dick. Me and him talk sometimes when I come here and he never gives me any trouble. He has light blonde hair and blue eyes with a little furry eyebrows. Ty has a medium skin tone with jet black curly hair thats pulled back into a tiny man bun and he has light brown eyes. Him and Brent are both pretty cool with me. They both know how to have a good relaxed time and thats something I like about them. Still both not my type.

The girl they brought this time, didn't look as promising. She had short wavy blonde hair and dark grey eyes that focused on me like she was judging me. She had on a white ripped crop top with jean shorts that rode up her ass and gave her a kamel toe. Disgusting. I could tell from the way she looked at me that she didn't like me. I could give a shit. Skanks aren't my cup of tea anyways.

"Who's is she?" The girl spat from her mouth.

Ty glares at her, "Don't be a dick, Hanna. Julie is cool with us."

So the skank has a name, but I decide to be nice and say, "Nice to meet you, Hanna."

"Couldn't say the same to you," she rolls her eyes and I push my hands into my pocket and clench my fists to hide my rage building up inside me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2018 ⏰

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