Mr. Park

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Authors Note: I would personally recommend this book to 12 and up. There is no inappropriate content but I feel as if that age group would like it most.

"Have you ever wondered if there are other human-like creatures living among us? What sets them apart from us? Are they more advanced? Stronger? Faster? Smarter? But the real question we should all be asking ourselves is this; Are they dangerous?"

The whole class was quiet. No applause, no conversation, not even one word spoken from anyone's mouth.

Our teacher, Mr. Park, was indeed odd. Very odd. He was the one teacher who could confuse us without using algebra. He always came up with the craziest ideas. Ones we've never even thought about. This one... it actually wasn't that crazy. It was reasonable, unlike vampires and zombies.

One thing I forgot to mention... My name is Libby. I'm that one 9th-grade band geek. Music, school, and vines are basically my life. Blonde hair, blue eyes along with around 13 million other people in the world. people like Yeah, I have a few friends, but that doesn't stop me from feeling different from everyone. Yeah, yeah, don't bore me with the 'Everyone is different' crap. I mean... I just don't fit in.... like anywhere.

I raised my hand. Mr. Park called on me and everyone in the class turned to me. "Just because someone is different doesn't mean they have bad intentions towards us."

He nodded. "That is true, but, even if they don't have bad intentions doesn't mean they can't cause trouble."

Erik, one of the football players, also my best friend, added "Just like the government. They want to help us, but they're also the reason America is more than 21 trillion dollars in debt" he laughed.

"I didn't think about that..." I laughed slightly. "Of course you didn't" Erik smirked. I rolled my eyes probably so hard they could have fallen out of my head.

Erik and I have been best friends since preschool. We used to do everything together. We're even neighbors. He may be my friend but he sure likes to tease me a lot. He's like my own personal older brother. Although I have one of those too...

After Erik's comment, the class went on and we talked about the odd subject until class was over. This was my last period of the day so I can go home now.

I gathered my notebook, binder, and bookbag and got up from my desk. I walked out the door and to my locker. I stuffed all of the things I didn't need at home in my locker. I felt a small tap on my shoulder. I turned around and it was Hannah. Hannah is my best friend along with Erik. Hannah is the girl that you would describe as popular, but she is really nice and funny. 

"Are you going straight home?" she asked with a smile plastered across her face. "Um... Yeah... why?" I asked as I shut my locker. "I can't go home because my mom doesn't want me home while she is deep cleaning this house," she giggled. Her mom is pretty strict. I'm so thankful for my mom. But, I don't even know why she wants to come home with me. 

My family is a little weird to me... I grew up most of my life as an only child with my mom. I never knew my biological father... I think he was a bad person or something like that... A few years ago my mom got married to my stepdad and had my little brother, Connor. Connor is just an ordinary 2 years old. I also have an older brother, Noah,  he's my stepbrother. Noah is a few months older than me... he goes to a different school though. He is really weird... And loud... 

In case you didn't know, I basically just described my whole life. You're probably wondering 'Why is nothing interesting happening?' Well... the answer to that question is pretty simple. You have to know the past before the interesting things happen.

Authors Note:

Sorry for the short first chapter, it's just been kind of crazy with my brothers birthday and my birthday coming up. I hope you don't mind xD. Welcome, and I hope you enjoy!

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