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On our way to my house, Hannah and I were talking nonstop. That's just the people we are. We both couldn't handle the sound of silence, it felt too... awkward...

When we finally arrived at my house, I unlocked the door and stepped inside. Our house wasn't too big, but it wasn't too small either. It was perfect for the size of our family. It was pretty plain. In the living room, we had a few chairs, a couch, and a television. It was just your ordinary house. I didn't even stop to tell my parents I was home, I just went straight up to my room with Hannah.

My room was perfect for me. I had two mattresses on the ground for my bed because we never had the time to buy a frame. I had a desk, which I do most of my homework on and of course a small TV.

Hannah sat down on my bed and sighed "I need your help..." I sat my stuff down and looked at her "What is it this time?" "I like Atticus..." she sighed again. Atticus was one of the soccer players at our school, but he was surprisingly smart as well. I knew she'd been crushing on him for ages by the way she acts around him. I can also tell he likes her as well. They're both all flirty around each other.

"He likes you," was all I responded. She rolled her eyes. "I wish..." I looked at her and laughed. "If you want my help you actually have to listen to me! I can tell by the way he looks at you-" before I could finish I heard a knock on my door, and my mom came in. "Libby! Why didn't you tell us Hannah was here?" My mom adores Hannah. She is always reminding me to be like her. Sometimes I think she should be her daughter instead. I know she loves me as well, but I'm not anything like my mom.

"Sorry, Mrs. Smith" Hannah apologized. "It's okay. Just make sure to let me know next time." she smiled as she left the room. 

Hannah and I talked about random stuff (like how she would ask out Atticus) for a few hours until it started getting dark. I yawned. "I think I should be getting home... My mom should be done by now" Hannah stated. I nodded and she grabbed her stuff, gave me a hug, and left the room. 

I plugged my laptop in, finished the last bit left I had of homework, and then finally went to my bed. My eyes finally started closing. My mind drifted into darkness and I fell asleep.

Little did I know that was the last time I would see Hannah for a while... It's funny how everything seems okay and suddenly it all crashes down. But who knows? Maybe it could be a good thing. A refreshment. Or it could lead farther into darkness...

Authors note:

Sorry for the short chapter... I haven't been feeling so good the last few days and my mom says I should probably take it easy and rest for a while. Don't worry I'll still write, but the chapters may be short for a while. Thanks for reading Beyond Earth! Make sure to vote, comment, and follow me! I love you all and have a great day!

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