Another nightmare

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Kao's point of view

"I'm doing it P, I'm driving a bike!" I screamed as I drove my new bike P sitting behind me. "You're doing great Kao!" He said back at me while holding onto the bike because I was driving a bit faster. All of a sudden I saw a cliff, and I tried to slow down but I couldn't, I wanted to scream to P to jump of the bike to the side but my body wouldn't move, and the words that I wanted to come out wouldn't come out my mouth. "P help me! What do I do!" As I was about to fall down I saw P grabbing the bike with one hand and as we started to fall down he grabed me in his arms hugging me tightly and kicking the bike away with his feet. He turned so that fis face was facing the sky and his back the ground. "Whatever happens remember to net let go Kao! Ok?" He asked me quickly, and I nodded in agreement and closed my eyes. It seemed like we were falling for such a long time and then.... 'PAM' a loud thud of something
hitting the ground was heard. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that we were at the bottom of the pit. "P we made it! We survived! P? P why aren't you answering! P! ANSWER ME P!!PLEASE OPEN YOUR EYES THIS IS NOT FUNNY!! P..." I paused for a moment as I slowly tilted my head towards his chest to check his puls...... but what I heard sent a shiver down my spine.......there was no heart beat.....his wasn't......beating.. "P-P-P, n-n-no-o.." I started crying as I continued speaking "Y-Y-Yo-ou ca-an-n't d-do th-this to-o me no-ow. You ca-an't die on me now... we still ha-ave to grow u-up toge-ether, you pro-o-o-m-mis-sed me you-ou'd be there.. by my side to help me out! WE WERE SUPOSED TO GROW UP AND HAVE SO MANY MORE MORE MEMORIES! DON'T DO THIS TO ME PLEASE!! PLEASE GOD PLEASE!!! DON'T DIE ON ME P!!! PPPPPPPPP!!!" I screamed my lungs out as I cried my eyes out. I was in despere, I just couldn't believe that my cousin, my best friend died. As I cried I felt darkness soround me. As I tilted my head to look up I saw P's body decay his clothes, his flesh, even his bones, there was nothing left. I slowly stood up and tried to realize what was going on,when all of a sudden I heard a voice say to me "He's gonne now." I turned around but there wasn't anyone behind me, then I heard it again " He's gone now, and why? Because he tried to protect you." All of a sudden I saw a figure forming in the darkness it spoke "He's gonne because of you. If you were smarter and payed attention to where you were going this wouldn't have happened. He died because of you. He died because you couldn't get of and had to keep on riding. He's DEAD. And you know why? Because of you. If you cared more for him he would have survived.." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. As I thought more about it I trusted it's words more and thought it was actually right. "Maybe he did die because of me. No not maybe, he DID die because of me. It IS all my fault. If I was just more careful he could have still been alive and well. How could I have done this to him!?" As I thought that to myself the figure came and stood next to me as it whispered something that made everything in my mind go blank "If he was still here he'd hate you.." That's were I broke and started crying even more than before. Then I saw another figure form, it was my aunt "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS KAO! MY SON, MY BELOVED SON!HE'S DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!!" She screamed at me while crying. Then a really familiar figure formed, it was my MOM! "KAO WHAT HAVE YOU DONE! YOU KILLED HIM! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU, I THOGHT YOU WERE A GOOD SON! I AM DISOVNING YOU KAO! I CAN'T HAVE A MURDERER AS A SON!" Again anothere figure formed, again a family member,now it was my sister who was speaking saying "You're horrible Kao. Mom was right in disowning you. You don't belong to this family. You are a disgrace to our family!" Then 3 people came from behind me, it was June, Thada and Sandee. June began by saying "You're really and idiot Kao. You thought I wanted to be your friend but you were wrong.." "..Why would we want to be friends with someone disgusting like you, and we especaly.." Thada added "..don't want to be friends with someone who killed their cousin!" Sandee finished. As I was crying,I felt someone touch my shoulder... it was P! I was looking at him happily as he started to speak "Kao I'm not angry or mad at you.... I'm actually really really..." his face turned from calm and friendly to disgusted ".. really disgusted by you Kao! I actually thought you loved me, and I loved you,but now that you've killed me I just HATE you. You killed me, your own cousin who you said you 'loved'. You act like you're nice but on the inside you're cold and heartless.... You're a monster. You're nothing more than a dirty killer. A murderer.." I looked at him shocked. I froze in my place, I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, I couldn't even cry, I could just stare at him. "..You heard me right. A murderer~. M-U-R-D-E-R-E-R." That's when everyone else started saying "Murderer, murderer, murderer." I started crying again and I fell to my knees. I just couldn't believe it, everyone hated me and called me a murderer. My closest friends, my aunt, my mother and sister, even my cousin P. That really broke me and I was just sobbing as if I couldn't stop as their voices and their words echoed in my mind. All of a sudden it was really quiet, but I didn't care. Then out of nowhere I felt someone hugging me. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up from the floor to see who it was. It was a man made out of...light? The man shined brightly as he said "Don't cry, it's going to be alright. Everything is fine. You may be scared and sad but it's going to be ok. Don't worry." He said to me with a calm voice. The voice semed familiar but I wasn't sure to who the voice belonged. Then he asked me "What's your name?" I was about to answere, as he slowly let go of the hug to look at me. "My name.." As I began to answere I woke up. I was still crying a bit and my pillow was wet from my tears. I sat up a bit. I didn't get to answer the man nor did I see his face, but I could feel the person was someone nice and kind, I could feel the warmth. Even thought it started off as a bad dream it ended nicely and I felt warm inside. I guess not all nightmares end badly. I looked at the clock. It was 1 in the morning so I grabed a new pillow and placed the wet one to the side. I just went back to sleep. Even though I was afraid to have the same nightmare I felt a bit better because I knew there was someone who would always save me from my nightmare, I just wonder who he is....

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