Cast of Characters

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Cast Of Characters:

The Sphinx Princess and her allies:

Lady Mally of Servenmoor: The prophesied warrior princess who will save the world from evil. A former maid of her father's castle. Mother is Malaxy Geim. Will protect her friends at all cost and holds a grudge against her older sister, Gala. Takes up the prophecy only because her mother wished her to do so.

In the world of Exeria:

Lady Gala of The Hokarland: Powerful shadowlade with no emotions or feelings of any sorts. Kidnapped, but instead of choosing to be kidnapped, she was forced to say the spell to lure the shadow spirits to her, turning her into a shadowlade. Feels like no one can understand the pain she endures, until she meets Avery.

(PRESENT) Queen Avery of Servenmoor: A powerful former villain originally from Servenmoor. Birth father is King Expella, but childhood father is King Werepaw. She realized her evil ways and swore an oath to kill King Expella once and for all and bring justice to Exeria. Shapeshifter of dark animals and a powerful sorceress. King Expella's heir to the throne.

(FORMER) Queen Malaxy of Servenmoor: Mother of Mally, Gala, and Coral. Killed by the King's men at arms. Trained Gala to protect Mally. Former name is Polliana. Deceased fairy. Used to be known as the most powerful person in the world of Exeria.

Silverclaw: Shapeshifting griffin, and Malaxy's former husband. Father of Mally, Gala, Coral, and Wrendylan. Was entrusted the task of finding Amber and Wrendylan, and bringing them to Mr. Rold and Aaron. Was cursed by King Expella to become a griffin forever, but he overpowered the curse, and can now turn into a human for ten minutes.

In the world of Phoenix:

Katelyn Frost: Avery's half-witch friend. Helps Avery around her new school. Can control the ice and snow. Avery's roommate.

Aria Expella: King Expella's previous wife. He abandoned her when he laid eyes on Malaxy. Avery's mother, and one of Katelyn's school teachers.

In the world of Coranne:

Mattzew Em: A brat who was formerly known as the most popular kid at school. Avery Silversky's best friend. Thinks his life is dull. Powers are controlling electricity and shooting lasers. Helps Avery to become good and considers himself the owner of Pegasus.

Lady Coral of The Hokarland: Mermaid. Adores the ocean and will do anything to protect it. Respects her sister Gala deeply and will do anything to protect her. Has no powers and considers her mermaid ability a curse. She wants to be "different" just as her mother wanted her to be. Deceased.

Wrendylan Geim: Coral's younger twin sister. Only descendant of Malaxy who has wings. Can shapeshift into many different birds. Can turn invisible and make people tell the truth. She can also control the vines. Amber's maid-servant.

Aaron Rosen Williams: Mr. Rold's "customer," and thought to be dangerous. Likes to stick his nose in trouble, and cause mischief wherever he can find a small town. Has many dark powers, but uses them for good purposes. Gatekeeper. Mr. Rold's "son".

Amber Elizabeth Rosen: Aaron's older twin sister and was separated from Aaron when they were nine. They kept in contact in Phoenix, but lost contact when Aaron went to Exeria. She was ignorant of the magic in her world, but went in search after him, despite her father's wishes. Gatekeeper.

Other Magical Allies:

Lily Akiyama: Mally's childhood best friend. Knew each other since they were eight and had only each other to rely on in times of stress and pain. Has the power of telekinesis.

Human Allies, or Unimportant Sphinxes:

Parker Murphy: Best friend of both Lily Akiyama and Mally Johnson. Trails Mally on her quest to freedom, and tries to pick a destiny for himself, like Mally did. Mally and Lily's former boyfriend. Deceased, and killed by King Expella.

Azami Gao Em: Mattzew's mother and Malaxy's best friend. Housed both Malaxy, Wrendylan, and Coral while they were in Coranne. Malaxy entrusted her with the task to find Wrendylan a good mother, and home.

Brooklyn Ophelia Rosen: Amber and Aaron's mother. Gatekeeper, and killed herself so that Amber and Aaron could uncover their full destiny. Deceased.

Neutral Groups in the Story:


Mr. Rold: A powerful magician who lives wherever and whenever. Most powerful magician a long time ago. He prefers neither side. His greatest desire is to keep Aaron safe, and give him a father he can be proud of. Sends Aaron to Exeria so that he can help Mally Johnson end the war of all realms. He loves Aaron like he is Aaron's father, and won't hesitate to do bad things so that they can be reunited.

Pegasuslords of Dustlantern:

King Werepaw: Deceased Pegasuslord and killed by King Expella. Ruler of all the remaining Pegasi. Childhood father of Avery Silversky. Stole her from King Expella because he believed Avery should get to choose if she wanted to be good or evil.

The King and His Allies:

King Sercile Expella of Servenmoor: Also known as King Expella. Evil ruler of Exeria, and known throughout all the realms. Stole the beautiful woman Malaxy Geim from her family to become his wife. Stepdaughter is Mally Johnson. The person who banished Sphinxes from the face of Exeria, encouraging the people of Coranne to banish them as well. Shadowlade. Wants all three lockets in order to become the most powerful person in the world. His real daughter is Avery Silversky, and wants her as his heir.

The Fairies of Shrewlick Beren:

Queen Ponenight of Shrewlick Beren: Ruler of all fairies. Gave the boy with no name the name Sir Isle of Evil. Took the boy into custody when he was in his youth. Killed by King Expella.

Polliana: Captured hostage of Queen Ponenight. Queen's handmaid. Had the chance to kill King Expella, but instead only injured him. Other name is Malaxy Geim. Deceased, and killed by King Expella. Has risen from the dead and now helps Mally, but she had to give up her soul in the process. Gatekeeper.

Other Magical Allies:

Lydia Bren: Ruler of all the bad guys in all of the realms. A former best friend of Gala Geim. Witch. Also known as the Bat Queen. Convinces Gala into turning evil. A powerful witch who is trying to rise 

Human Allies, or unimportant Sphinxes:


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