Chapter 6: What to do Next

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 Eighteen-year-old Gala Geim couldn't believe it. Just in a snap of her fingers, her youngest sister was killed, and her best friend had been taken from her. And it had all happened by the same person. Two words explained all of it, her, her loneliness, her woe, but mostly her pain in general. Two words: King Expella. Those two words broke her heart. Nothing could make her more angry and resentful in the world. Not only did King Expella tear away Gala's loved ones, but he had also refused to give all the sphinxes shelter in Exeria. King Expella was truly a monster, and Gala wished every living person in the realms knew that. Gala wanted to scream and shout, but there was no one to do it too. Coral was dead, Mattzew was mourning, and Mally, Lily, and Malaxy were conveniently gone from the situation. How could they have left her to move on her own to crave the kindred spirit of her loving sister Coral, and crave her loyal and oath-related sister Avery? She had sworn an oath to each of them, and she had broken them both, even if against her will. They were both gone, and she had to cope with the sadness all by herself. However, back where the palace loomed over Dustlantern, things weren't as they seemed.......

Fourteen-year-old Avery Silversky sat silently in her father's "schoolroom" as King Expella's most loyal sphinx children ranged all the way from age eight to seventeen sat solemnly around her at their arranged desks. They all eyed her warily, she was known throughout the kingdoms now as the most famous, youngest, and atrocious villain across the realms, and she was a big deal. Tonight was Avery's coronation, and she was dreading the moment when she was made the heir to her father's evil throne, literally. Her classmates obviously thought the same thing as they looked her up and down, and frowned at her glowing golden eyes and shimmering silver hair. Avery was wearing a traditional maroon red dress from her kingdom ruled by King Werepaw, and like always, she wore a black hood that she wore to try and cover her appearance. Dramatically shoving himself through the door, King Expella waltzed into her classroom as if he didn't have a care in the world.

"Class, today, as you all know very well, is the day of my daughter's coronation to be the future heir of this throne. I am very old, and I am weakening every day. I know I will die, and today I will be establishing most of my powers upon my daughter so that she will rule this world and all the other worlds which I have longed for her to do since the beginning of time." King Expella's fairy wings began to flap behind his back, but nobody noticed except Avery. "I know what you are all thinking, but don't worry, I will remain the ruler of this domain for a while longer as my successor, Avery receives her full magical training in Phoenix. You may all have the day off. Maids, continue with your cleaning, gentlemen, go out back and practice your sword fighting. Avery, come with me. We have much to talk about." King Expella sighed and beckoned Avery closer to him. "I know you were trying to help your friends before you realized the right decision was to come live with me. It's okay. I know you stole the lockets, and I'm okay with it. All I wanted was for you to be by my side, even with that cost. But now, I want you to dress in your best clothes for the coronation tonight. Afterward, I'm sending you straight to Phoenix. They know you're coming, and a girl named Katelyn Frost is going to help you across her homeworld. You and her will have all of your classes together, and since you are both half-witches, you'll be the perfect company for each other. As soon as your professors say your training is complete, you will come back to me, and resume your rule upon the worlds. I know I am slowly dying now, but by the time you are back, I will most likely be dead," King Expella commented. "Now go get ready. Your ceremony should be starting in about an hour," King Expella commanded, and Avery somberly went up to her chambers in despair. As soon as her father was out of earshot, Avery cried for all that had been lost. She cried for her powers she had lost a year ago, she cried for her friends, and she cried for herself. Avery had surrendered her life in hopes of saving her friends, but now she couldn't even save herself. Avery's head hung in her head as her sunken eyes slowly closed into an entrancing dream.

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