Chapter 8: Reawaken

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Mally knew it was time. She had waited long enough to do something about King Expella, but now she realized it was far too late to stop his plan of having Avery be the new heir, as she was part of his bloodline. Mally just prayed Avery would switch back to good and be the leader of their team again. Anyhow, time was out for stopping KIng Expella. A new villain was on the loose. Lydia Bren. And Mally feared her intentions were much worse than King Expella's. And worse of all, Mally dreaded the fact that her sister might have gotten dragged into the mix. Looking up in horror, Mally glanced in the direction of her sister's bed. Gala's messy tresses were flung all over her cot, and she was stretched out in a long line, seeming to welcome the cold. She refused to have a blanket or a "pillow" as Coral had liked to call them. Stuffed with cotton and decorated on the outside by a sewn leaf, Mally wasn't sure that she had ever gotten a good night's rest before Coral whipped them up for their family. Each board creaked as Mally rested one tiny toe against the wooden plank. Finally crossing this horrendous river of wood and nails, Mally successfully made it outside the door. Peeking in one last time, Mally disappeared into the log cabin, not noticing a set of brown eyes staring after her. Grabbing her scratchy black cloak, Gala raised the window ever so slightly, and jumped out, not bothering to go back to see what all the arguing was about inside the manor.

"Okay, guys, you got to admit, Gala's being oddly weird, am I right?" Mally cried desperately, "Com' on! You can't just say that she's as 'normal' as usual!" Why was no one agreeing with her? Did no one trust her anymore? As usual, Mattzew had his head down, staring in defeat at the wooden beams, Lily was glowering angrily at her for no apparent reason, Malaxy was fluttering about, her wings beating quickly as she paced back and forth in the air.

"Mally.....," Lily began, only to get interrupted by Mattzew. Everyone's ear's perked up, even Malaxy's. Mattzew hardly talked anymore, even if he was talking about his precious Coral.

"She's suffering more than all of us, Mally! She lost her mom for goodness sakes when she was only THREE! She was stuck babysitting you until she realized it was all for nothing! She had to watch you get kidnapped by King Expella, and she was forbidden to save you until you were older. She never watched the birth of Coral, and she missed the first most important four years of her life. Even when she came back, her mother died! She died! Gala had to sacrifice all of her childhood looking after you and Coral! She worked her butt off to become the proclaimed hero to save the realms only to find out that it would be you, a girl who didn't even want to save the world and didn't give a crap about what Gala went though for you! Did you even care when you found out that she had turned into a shadowlade and her soul was practically gone forever? NO, of course, you didn't. And even though we all lost Coral, you treated her like garbage. You shouldn't even feel sad because you never cared about Coral to begin with. Did you know how hard it was to lose both Coral, and Avery, and then on top of that Parker? Do you know all the guilt she was racked with because she couldn't save them? No, you don't, and I know you don't care. And next time you bring her up, acting like she's all evil all of a sudden I won't be a part of this," Mattzew gestured to all of the group standing there, "any longer. I only joined for Avery. That. Is. The. Only. Reason. Okay? And hey, I would love to save the world too but now my best friend is gone and my girlfriend is dead. And the only other boy in this group is dead as well. You guys might not have your family but mine is back on Coranne, probably fearing the fact that they might never see their son again. So please, try not to put me on edge again because the next time that someone brings Gala up, or Coral's death or Avery, or any of that, you better bet that you won't see me ever again!" Mattzew screamed violently and stomped off angrily to his section of the manor and slammed the door shut.

Mally's mouth was wide open, gaping after the road Mattzew had taken into the cabin. "Lily...please you have to believe me. What if there's something going on with her? What if she's not who we think she is..."

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