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Outside the gym:
Hoseok tried to open the doors again. Frustrated, he kicked the door, and sat on the floor, leaning against the wall.
He had kept nemjoon in his grasp. Unfortunately he had run away.
Said he was going to look for help but he never came back. Hoseok was worried he might rattle to the police or something. His thoughts were interrupted with shouts from inside the gym.
Suddenly, jimin came out, pushing Tae, throwing him to the ground. He shut the door behind him, and you locked it from within.
Hoseok: Hey! I've been banging on the door for ages!
Jimin: I know.
Hoseok noticed his cold face: Is everything ok? Is Yoongi...
Jimin: Yoongi's Fine...it's just...damn.
Hoseok; Damn? Damn what?!
Jimin: well Y/n-
Tae shit up, and punched Jimin square in the jaw: don't say a word.
Hoseok threw him to the ground: Yah!
Hoseok: What who you mess with-
Namjoon: Tae!
He rushed between them.
Namjoon: I'm sorry for him ok? Let us go.
Jimin: Scram. Quick. Hoseok isn't in a good mood.
Tae: Not without Y/n. We will wait for her.
Namjoon: Tae no you're crazy.
Tae: Ok fine but I told my brother to meet me here so I will wait.
Namjoon: Alright fine whatever. Let's get you cleaned up first.
He lifted Tae up, and they went to the restroom.
Jimin sat beside Hoseok, and told him the story.
Hoseok: Well I'll be damned. This day is full of too many fucking surprises.
Jimin: What do you mean?
Hoseok: That asshole Jin called in my brothers and sister.
Jimin: Are you fucking serious.
Hoseok rubbed his forehead: I didn't finish my paper.
Jimin sneered: That old idiot should know better. What about you. Are you okay?
Hoseoks insides screamed no. The bruises hidden under his clothes screamed no. His mind needed a break, he wanted to sleep...forever. But his mouth said otherwise.
Hoseok: I'm fine. It's just this stupid teacher ruins everything. What right does he have?
Jimin: you can stay at my place if you want.
Hoseok: No then they'll just taunt me more, call me a wuss. I'll just deal with it like always. I mean I have been for years now.
Jimin: Hoseok...I've been thinking.
Jimin: What if we tell someon?
Hoseok: What?! Are you insane?! They won't help! This only makes the matter worse!
Jimin: No listen. My boss, Lay, he's a pretty cool guy. I don't tell him shit so don't get me wrong, but hey maybe there are more adults like him who give us a second chance and listen to us.
Hoseok: That's not the same thing.
Jimin: What I'm trying to say it, maybe there's another way out, hm? Maybe there still is one.
Hoseok squinted at him: Has the Park Jimin, the one that has the fastest kick I've ever seen, going soft on me right now?
Jimin: I don't fucking know, man. It just hit me.
Jimin: That job has done some serious things for me.
Hoseok: Oh Yea? Like what?
Jimin: Getting my mind off of things.
Hoseok laughed: Then how about this. Let's not run away and both tell our feelings to Jin-shit, Huh?
Jimin: Hell no!
Jimin: My problem is different than yours!
Hoseok: I won't go if you don't!
Jimin: Forget I asked! It's stupid anyway.
Hoseok: Finally Park Jimin is back. I'll deal don't worry.
Jimin: whatever you say. Let me go check on those two.
Jimin gets up to go find Tae and Namjoon.
Hoseok was quite done, really. His siblings coming to the school was not something that helped him. It just furled the fire.
A few minutes later, a little boy walked up to him.
???: excuse me, is my brother in there?
Hoseok: You're gonna have to give me a name little kid.
???: Kim Taehyung. I'm Kim Hyun Ki. I'm his little brother.
Hoseok: Yeah he'll be here.
Hyun Ki: Cool! Thanks!
He takes a seat on the floor on the other side of the hall.
He begun his homework. Hoseok scoffed. How innocent.
Hoseok: You the youngest?
Hyun Ki nodded: Yep! Taehyung-hyung is the oldest.
Hoseok: I'm the youngest too.
Hyun Ki: cool. Do you have any brothers?
Hoseok looked up: 2 actually.
Hyun Ki: That's neat! I bet you have awesome wrestling matches! Two is good, but three is better!
Hoseok laughed: don't get your hopes up kid we don't do that.
Hyung Ki's smile disappeared and he looked down at his work: Oh.
Hoseok eyed the kid. He knew their background...was this kid...?
'No hoseok, I wouldn't scare him if what could happen.'
Hoseok: Say, Hyun Ki, how good is your brother to you?
Hyun Ki: Hm? Oh he's the best brother in the world!
Hoseok: That's cute. And your mother?
Hyun Ki: I don't know but I know she is very busy.
Hoseok: Busy? With what?
Hyun Ki: Well Hyung told me mom has work in other countries.
Hyun Ki: That's why she's never home. And aunt and uncle have to make sure she doesn't get hurt. That's why they sometimes come to see us.
Hoseok: Is That So?
Hyun Ki: Yea. But I am ok, cause Hyung is always there.
Hoseok: Little kid your Hyung will leave you.
Hyun Ki: No he won't! He's the best Hyung!
Hoseok: Let me let you in on a little secret. Your mom left you. She wanted a car. So she gave you to your aunt and uncle. And aunt and uncle don't care about you, so that's why you live in that dump.
Hoseok: My parents are dead. And I am the youngest. I like with my brothers, and they hurt me all the time. Hoseok rolled up his sleeve, revealing a bruised arm.
Hoseok: This. This is what Hyung does.
Hyung Ki's eyes were wide, and he was shivering with fear. He could not move.
Hoseok: Hyung may be nice now. But not when you are older.
Hyun Ki began to cry: I want Hyung!
Hoseok: Hyun Ki you need to listen to me. You need to be strong. You can fight it. You can escape it. I didn't know, so I couldn't.
Hoseoks: I am stuck. With Hyung. Because I thought he would be nice forever. Do not end up like me.
Hyun Ki's wailing grew louder.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, Taehyung kicks Hoseok, and he falls on his side. Tae rushes over to Hyun Ki.
Tae: You are ok. You are going to be fine.
Tae: Hyung is here ok?
Hyun Ki: Hyung are you bad?
Tae: You're not serious are you?
Hyung would never hurt you!
Hoseok groaned as he hid up, and noticed Tae glaring at him as he hugged his little brother. He shrugged: hey, just gave him a warning.
Hoseok did not notice jimin and Namjoon standing next to him.
Jimin: What yer hell. Did you do.
Hoseok: Are you kidding me? You're not going to back me up?
Jimin: he's a kid Hoseok...
Hoseok: I was just trying to help for once!
Jimin hailed him to his feet by the coller: you idiot! Haven't you noticed? Not everyone goes through what we do!
Namjoon: Doesn't mean we don't all have problems.
Jimin: Shut the hell up before I make you.
Jimin: he's a kid and TaeHyung tried.
Taehyung looks at him and he looks away.
Jimin mutters: He's...better than us in this case...
Hoseok scoffs: Shit you've gone soft. Fine I'm a douche bag who hates on kids and scares them for life.
Jimin: I did not say that.
Hoseok was about to retaliate when he heard a voice.
Sibling #3: aye there's our champ!
Hoseoks face grows cold.
Sibling #1: We are done talking with your teacher! Such a nice guy! Why don't you come with us, we'll tell you all about it!
Hoseok gets up to leave, but jimin grabs his wrist.
Jimin: you know you can stay, you have a reason.
Hoseok: Like I said. I'll deal.
Sibling #2 snatched Hoseok away from jimin: Come on let's go!
He slapped Hoseoks back. He winced in pain.
Tae couldn't put a finger or it till now, but he was sure of his suspensions.
Tae: He needs to stay for his punishment.
Sibling #1: Your teacher let him go. Come on, don't be jealous. You'll see him tomorrow.
Sibling #3: that's if he doesn't decide the other option.
Sibling #2 slapped the back of his head.
Jimin: Option? What option? Hoseok what the hell is he talking about.
Hoseok: Like I said ill be fine.
Hoseok: you all better tell me everything.
And with that, he left with his siblings
The room fell silent for some time as jimjn paces back and forth nervous, cursing under his breath.
Tae: Language. There is a kid here.
He looks at where Hoseok was standing: he's not ok, isn't he.
Jimin: none of your ducking buisness!
Namjoon covers Hyun Ki's ears: Language!!
Jimin: I don't give two FUCKING SHITS.
Namjoon: Cut it out!
Tae: He should really talk to someone.
Jimin ignored him: Gotta rub. I've got work.
Tae yells at him as he runs away.
Namjoon: So...Y/n's Ether.
Tae: Yes.
Namjoon: well then I say wait
Tae: What? Really? But? She's practically a monster is she's Ether... we can't fix someone who chose to be that way...
Namjoon smiled: A monster who is hurt.
Tae looked up at him: Yah. That's my line.
Namjoon: Hey it's the truth.
Namjoon: You heard jungkooks story. She's been through things that are unbearable. And what did we tell him? That he's not a bad person.
Namjoon: Y/n probably isn't either. Ether is their past. So stay and show her we are there for her.
Tae: Yea...you're right. What about you?
Namjoon: I've got work.
Tae nodded and they were silent.
Namjoon left. Two minutes later, you rushed out of the door, and crouched in pain. You had not seen Taehyung.
Tae: hey hey are you alright?!
He touched your shoulder, and you spun around. He looked at you, in shock. You had a huge gash on the right side of your forehead, and it was oozing with blood. Your lip was busted, and tears were streaming down your face.
Although Tae did not see anger on your face. He saw fear and pain. Which is why he followed you when you ran off.

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