Game time. Who will snap.

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Inside the gym:
Yoongi immediately scored a goal.   You played in silence for some time.
You knew that tactic.
Silence was the worst.
Yoongi: So you know of this tactic. Now wonder you have not cracked.
He scored another goal.
Yoongi: Lets Get this char started then. How are you?
You didn't answer.
Yoongi: I'm going quite great, actually. I just scored a goal and I unearthed your deepest, darkest secret.
You smirked.
Yoongi: Oh wait. I forgot. Jungkook revealed that. Completely forgot about that.
You: Mind if I ask a question?
Yoongi: You just interrupted me.
You: I'm getting bored might as well spice it up with juicy questions.
You: I mean, you are playing a game of basketball with a half of Ether. Might as well learn a few tricks while you're at it.
Yoongi scored a goal: Fair. Proceed.
You: Why basketball?
Yoongi: I like it.
You: I never saw the point in sports.
You put a ball inside a net yippie.
You: that's why I kind of got into fighting I guess.
Yoongi: you got into fighting because you hated sports?
'Yes. That worked, he's caught off guard. Another trick; make up a story that connects your life to his. Easy. Got him.'
You: No, it's because I saw no purpose.
You scored a goal.
You: Doesn't mean I'm not good at it though.
You: Let me give you a lesson, be good at everything. I mean, you're good at basketball but other things...ehhh.
Yoongi: Like What?
You: Well you don't have good grades, you don't know anything about fighting.
You: And I'm sure you don't know how to cook.
Yoongi: Cook? Why cook?
You: Cooking is a glorious skill!
You: There are so many dishes out there and your creativity runs wild! I thought you out of all the people would know.
Yoongi: Me? Why me?
You: Well I mean, for a person who was abandoned by his rich ass father,
You: A person who was kicked out to the curb with this lazy mother who is a couch potato,
You: A person who lives in a shitty part of town and is only given money to play basketball.
You: I think you would be able to cook.
Yoongi: You're right I should learn!
You stared at him in shock, as he scored another goal.
Yoongi was good to the point you were going to have to resort to pretending to be hurt by his words, which was not an easy task.
You: Are you serious. Did you not just hear me. I just told you that I know everything.
Yoongi: I know. But you really don't.
Yoongi made yet another goal.
Yoongi: you know, with the filth you have become, I'm not surprised your parents don't care.
You sneered..sounded l fake but you did.
Yoongi: I mean, I don't blame your dad. Or your brother, for that matter.
You froze. Now you were not pretending....
You were actually in shock. How did he know?
Yoongi looked at you, and grinned. You slowly turned to him, wide eyed.
Yoongi: You aren't bad.
Your heart pounded. Why so scared. Why were you so...weak? He knew which buttons to press, and he did.
Yoongi walked closer to you. You knew he wanted you to step back, so you stayed put.
Your mind instantly flashed to the day when Jungkook didn't answer his phone. A tear rolled down your cheek.
Yoongi: You know, wherever you go   Y/n, your dad will always be there. With or without Jeon Jungkook.
You stayed put, glowering at him.
Yoongi: Because, unfortunately, you can't get out. It's too late to get out of being a scum.
Yoongi: What if you go home, and your brother is there with his friends?
You tried to control your breathing.
Yoongi got closer. Suddenly you snap back, realising his tactic. Now it was time for yours.
You: And you? What will you do when you go home and see your mother, off the couch, standing by the police?
Yoongi stopped in his foot steps.
You: What would you do? Rub? Or stay and take the blame for your father.
Yoongi stayed silent.
You: Let me feed you the answer. Run. Because. You.
Yoongi: Stop.
You: Are. Guilty.
Yoongi: I said stop.
You: Of attempted murder.
Yoongi: How the hell did you know?
You smiled: Easy.
You: When you called me I took a while because I snuck into Jin's office, read your reports, and pieced the information together.
You: But that's besides the point. Point is, you've got some explaining to do.
Yoongi: you don't know shit.
You: You know. Jimin lives right across the street from me.
Yoongis eyes grew wide.
You: I work with him to.
Your face grew deadly.
You: I am not called Ether for nothing.
Yoongi: Do not bring them into this.
You: Awh you have a heart!
Your smile faded: How pathetic.
'Time for the final blow,' you thought.
You: Here's the thing, Yoongi. No one cares about you.
You: Your mom doesn't tell on you because she's given up on you. Your dad gives you money so that you stay away.
You laughed: And your friends didn't even offer to stay and help you fight me!
Yoongi: Stop it. I am not alone.
You grinned: Min Yoongi. Even Jin has lost hope for you. He doesn't even set you right by giving those punishments.
Yoongi: I said shut up.
You: You know. Your mom must be ashamed
Yoongi: I didn't do it.
You: That's what they all say.
Yoongi: It was by accident!
You: again what they all say. But see when you die, no one will be there. Why? Can you give me an answer?
Yoongi: Stop.
You cocked your head: Because, Min Yoongi, you are a mistake. A passer-by if you will.
The damage had been done, on your side. But Yoongi was not finished. Yoongi sneered back.
Yoongi: You know Y/n. We aren't that different. Pretty soon you also have to stop running. Because they will catch up. And hurt you again.
Yoongi: You are never going to get away.
You: The hell you know nothing.
He's supposed to snap. Why hasn't he snapped.
Yoongi: I may be a passer-by But you are much worse.
You: No. stop. Don't come any closer.
Yoongi: A toy. You are no Ether, you are someone who shuns everyone who loves you.
Yoongi seethed through this teeth: and welcomes anyone who hurts you.

You couldn't take it anymore. You ran for the doors, snapping, you had to get out of there. But at the same time you began to run, Yoongi also ran towards the basketball hall rack, breaking a metal bar off the shelve.
You both had snapped at the same time.
It was a draw.
You reached the door, trying to get the metal bad off the door, but the world was a blur. Suddenly, your knees buckle as Yoongi hits you with a bar over the head.
Yoongi: Get away from me.
Yoongi had forgotten who was better at combat; You.
You grabbed the bar out of his hand and slammed it against his knee, and he crouched in pain as you opened the gym doors.
Yoongi was left, on the floor, unable to speak. Was he really just nothing? Did Y/n tell me the truth?
As you ran off, Taehyung following you, you thought to yourself; 'Am I really just a toy?'
Both of you had lost. And both of you were feeling the effects of what it meant to be on the brink of insanity...
Outside the school:
Tae: Y/n-Ah...
He found you crouched, crying in the middle of the parking lot.
Tae sat by you as your cried. When you stopped he spoke.
Tae: Why did you come for me?
You: I told you they were being petty.
Tae: Yes but now you are hurt.
You: He is hurt too.
Tae: I am not following.
You explained to him how the game works.
Tae: So you both snapped at the same time.
You: Pretty much.
Tae put his hand in your shoulder: you aren't taking what he said seriously, are you? I mean, the point is to make the other person snap.
Tae: Doesn't mean the person meant what they said.
You: Yes I know. I'm fine.
Tae smiled: Good. I'm glad you are safe
You: like you care.
Tae: Ok I will admit when I found out who you were I was a bit shocked.
Tae: But Namjoon explained to me that you are a good person who just needs friends. And so I am here to be a friend.
You laughed: The last person who said that to me was Jungkook. And look where I dumped him.
Tae: You did not abandon him.
You: I abandon him just like everyone I love. Min Yoongi was right holy shit.
Tae took both of your shoulders and turned you towards him.
Tae: No. Do not say that. You have me. And you have namjoon. And add Hyun Ki to the mix.
He pointed to his brother.
Tae: And hey, if we work through this together, you can get more people back.
You: Don't bother I'll let you go.
You got up.
You: I need to go to work.
Tae: Y/n!
Tae grabbed your arm and pulled you towards him, wrapping his arms around you.
Tae: You are not alone. I am here for you whenever you need me.
At the club:
You stormed into the kitchen.
Your sadness and fear has slightly changed into rage.
Jimin: you made it! How is Yoongi? What are you- hey hey HEY HEY YOU'RE GOING TO GET US FIRED!
You took a sip of vodka.
You: Blame Min Yoongi for the loss of your job tonight
Jimin: Yoongi? What's he got to do-
Jimin: What the hell did he do.
You laughed: he got to me
Jimin: Huh?
You took another sip: and I got to him.
Jimin: Is he ok?!
You pointed to the gash: Ask me that question.
Jimin: He did not do that... did he?
You: Don't worry I got him back.
Jimin: okay you. Need to let go of that bottle.
You: NOOOOOO you take this away and you will also be knocked dead.
Jimin: Okay. Plan B.
Lay: Yo what's up back there?
Jimin: Shit! Go on there!
He shoves you into a closet and leans on it.
Lay: where's Y/n?
Jimin: Restroom.
Lay: I see. Alright carry on.
Jimin waits a few minutes, and then let's go of the closet.
You burst out
Jimin: Shit Y/n you are going to get us fired!
You: since when did you care?
Jimin: Anything is better than home! You know that!
He was right. Anything was better.
You: you have a point. Fine. I'll work. Give me the knife.
Jimin: No you are not cutting the vegetables. Go sit there.
He hands you a glass of water.
Jimin: Sober up first.
You drank a glass of water when a familiar tube begun to play.
It was...that singer.
The one who you were dying to know of
When Jimin wasn't looking, you snuck out of the kitchen.
You had snuck backstage. It was still not close enough to see the singer. You were there. You were so close.
At least one good thing should come out this day.
His voice...was woah.
You loved listening to it every night.
It was so...familiar...
As soon as the song ended, you walked out into the stage. A bit tipsy, you approached the singer, who was not looking your direction.
You: You... show me your face. Every single gosh darn time I hear you...upstairs..who ...the hell...
Your foot steps in the edge of the stage, and you slip, beginning to fall.
But someone grabs you from behind and pulls you back up. You look up and you gasp.
Tae: Like I said, Y/n. I am here whenever you need me.

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