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Yoongis PoV:
After his plan didn't work out in his favour, Min Yoongi played basketball until he was deprived of energy.
As he trudged back home, your words flooded back into his mind. Your threats at Jimin, your accusations toward him...a murderer...no.
No one was dead. He did not kill anyone... At least, Not intentionally... or did he? Frustrated, he kicked a garbage bin over. He knew one thing for sure; he hated you, just like he hated Jungkook. When Min Yoongi hated someone, his temper and aggression could hardly be controlled.
And because he was not the best fighter, after loosing his aggression would spike up. The only reason why such anger would stay control was because of Jimin and Hoseok.
As he turned the corner to his his home, he became even more angry. For he saw another person who he loathed, standing outside his doorstep.
Yoongi: Dad.
Dad: son.
Yoongi tried to control his breathing.
Dad: I am here to tell you in person that I am not to give you any more funds.
Yoongi: The hell?!
Dad: I have a reason to believe that money is not going just towards your athletics.
Yoongi glowered.
Yoongi: I'm sorry. In a places like this, when you are give cold hard cash, and stacks of it, you can't help being a target.
Dad: In a place like this you should learn to be tough, son.
Yoongi: Don't you fucking "son" me.
Yoongi went inside, grabbed his remaining cash, cane back outside, and shoved it in his fathers arms.
Yoongi: I don't need your shitty "funds." What am I, done charity work for you? He scoffed.
Yoongi: Don't shit with me. Charity work is work done just do some good.
Yoongi: Not to make you feel better about yourself and the decisions you have make for your life.
Yoongi: You kicked me to the curb. Live with it. I know that I fucking am.
Yoongi walked backwards to his door and laughed, spreading out his arms: And I'm having the time of my fucking life.
Your PoV (Y/n) at the club:
After your "outburst," Taehyung immediately took you backstage. He changed out of his outfit, and sat next to your drunk self. He began to open your bandaged gash.
Tae: Sheesh Y/n-ah did you ever clean this?
You groaned.
Tae: I'll take that as a no. Here. Let's fix this a bit.
Hd grabbed a first aid kit, damped a cloth with alcohol, and pressed it against your wound. You tensed from the pain.
Tae: Sorry Sorry Sorry I know it stings.
You two say in silence for some time as he treated your wound.
Tae: Y/n-ah are you ok?
You: Fine, thank you.
Tae: Then why are you drunk on the job?
You sat up: I am not fucking drunk!
Tae pinches his nose: You smell of vodka.
You: and how do you know what vodka smells like?!
Tae: Uhm hello. We work in a club?
You crossed your arms and pouted: Smart ass.
Tae: Hey! I just answered your question!
You: ok fine I may be a bit tipsy but why not?
Tae: Y/b-ah you are going to get yourself fired.
You flailed your arms into the air: good for me.
Tae: Come on! Don't you want to work here with me?
You: Why the hell Do you care do much about what I do?
Tae blinked: Cause you are my friend
You scoffed: If this is friends then friends need limits.
Tae: Y/n-ah why are you like this, huh?
You: Why am I like this?! Why the hell are you like this?! You keep following me, everywhere i go, asking if I am ok-
Tae: That's cause I care-
You: Shut the fuck up and listen. You ask if I am ok. Do you really want an answer that satisfies your curiosity?
Tae: Y/n-ah Stop-
He notices you had tears in your eyes.
You: I am not fucking ok, Taehyung.
You: and I haven't been for a very long time. And I have come to live with the fact that I will never be okay.
You: And you as a friend or whatever the hell this is, you need to stay In line, because I can handle this myself, as I have been handling it for the past few years.
Tae: Could you handle your father on your own?
You froze.
How could Taehyung get to you so quickly? Last time someone got to you that quickly was Jungkook.
Taehyung took a deep breath.
Tae: Y/n-ah look at me. I...I...uhm...
But before Tae could finish his sentry, Jimin burst in.
Jimin: Y/n! Are you fucking kidding me?! I have been out there, trying to calm down customers after the havoc you created! You almost lost Lay a ton of customers!
Jimin noticed TaeHyung: The hell are you doing here?
Tae: I work here.
Jimin: What? you...You're the singer Y/n's in love with?
Tae raised an eyebrow and looked at you: in love with?
You looked away: your voice was good that's all...
Tae looked at Jimin: How are you doing?
You squinted. This was strange. Jimin and Tae were not on good terms, last time you checked.
Unless...something happened outside the gym.
Jimin glared: None of your damn buisness.
Tae: And Hoseok?
Jimin flinched; He's...Fine.
Lay: Jimin! Have you found Y/n?
Jimin: Huh? Yea she's in here!
The kitchen:

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2018 ⏰

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