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G O D ' S     F A V O R I T E    A N G E L

· P R O L O G U E ·

 God was reading my life file. Yes, God. I had never been a true believer but now I was. Especially in this moment when God was deciding to send me to paradise with my best friend or to rot in, well, I don’t want to finish that sentence.  We were currently on top of a cloud, high above Heaven. God didn’t want anyone to hear our conversation. The table- which was made of gold- was changing patterns. God put down the file and looked at me.

“I can’t even begin to tell you how ashamed I feel about you.” God sighed with a face that screamed trouble.

Lord have mercy.


“I’ve been watching some of the little good things you’ve done, very little, almost microscopic.”

Apparently God was a jokester.

“And I read here that you’re a pro at fighting.”

“Yes sir, I mean, ma’am or thing. Shit! Sorry, shit!” I quickly covered my mouth and looked at God with a regretful face.

God chuckled.

I pursed my lips into a straight line. The cloud bumped into another one which caused me to almost fall of the silver seat I was sitting on. God looked at the table and then at me.

“These don’t match.” God said tapping the table and then giving the chair a harder tap. God grunted, and then with a snap of fingers the chairs were also gold… God smiled at me successfully.

My life, scratch that, soul was currently in God’s hands but God was busy thinking about the matching of the stupid table and chairs. To be honest, I was scared shitless. I mean, I did bring this upon myself. Maybe if I wasn’t looking at my phone while driving and hadn’t crashed, I would probably be at home painting my nails with my best friend. But my small mistake caused her life and mine. Thankfully she had always been the more responsible between us… Responsible. But between you and me, she was the crazy one in the relationship. So, her being a person who hadn’t committed a crime, wasn’t easy around boys and that type of stuff, she had a free pass to Heaven.

But she was still my best friend, and I needed to be with her. I took a deep sigh, what could she be doing right now? I haven’t even seen her, but when I asked God about her he told me she was probably jumping on a cloud or something. After the crash we blacked out and when we opened our eyes we saw gates. They opened and Marilyn, my best friend, vanished. And that’s what led me up to here. I looked at God with a sad smile, one that was returned towards me.

“You want to enjoy your afterlife Lizzie?”

I nodded afraid to speak.

“Good because, I’ve got a very big plan for you.”

I sat up straight, eyes and ears open. Ready for whatever was coming my way, if God put me up to this, then I can do it.

“W-what is it?” I asked a bit afraid but still determined.

“You’re going to be an angel from now on.”

I froze and then…

“What!?” I screamed.

I quickly put my hands around my mouth once again.

“Sorry,” I whispered, “an angel?”

God nodded, then smiled and rolled eyes.

“You’re best friend surely is enjoying life up here,” God said then with a mischievous face lifted three fingers and counted down, “three, two, one.” A very loud scream was heard and then I heard her voice that brought tears to my eyes.

“Oh my Heavens! So many colors! Is that Paul Walker!?”

I laughed, I looked down seeing a small part of her blonde hair and then it disappeared. She surely was enjoying it. I looked up to God, wiping away the tears, who was smiling and that smile brought me comfort.

“Join us Lizzie, and you’ll be with her.” 

God's Favorite Angel (Disastrous Angels Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now