The Wait

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The clock showed 6 in the evening. She was done with the household chores and was now in the balcony of their apartment on the 11th floor which gave her a view of beautiful green fields. It was a new building and hence there were very few neighbours with whom she could talk.

She waited for him to arrive from work as she sipped her favourite cardamom tea gazing at the fields. She missed their old home where she could talk to her neighbour who had grown to be her best friend over months yet she felt at peace in this empty place. It was soothing. In the chaos of her thoughts she didn’t hear the click of the door as he silently came in. She simply leaned against the parapet holding her cup and gazing dreamily over the fields on her right. He came up to the balcony silently. He studied the beauty that she was. Even after being married to her for a year now he still got mesmerized looking at her. He was bound in the spell of her beauty. The evening sun was spraying its orange light on her tawny skin. She had her face turned to her right which flaunted her inviting neck. He saw the little tattoo of their initials just below her ear which she’d gotten while on their honeymoon and smiled unknowingly at the memories. She was wearing a sleeveless, olive top reaching her mid thighs and a white skinny jeans that accentuated her toned legs. Her slender arms wore her favourite white bracelets which he’d gifted her on their engagement. She thought of that day, recalling the sweet memories. She smiled picturing her husband who ran from stall to stall choosing accessories for her. He studied her calm face. Her teeth bit into her plump lower lip like they always did while she got lost in thoughts. Her innocent brown eyes dreamily staring at the fields. Plotting.

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