Evil Love

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“Beautiful” he exclaimed loudly. She turned startled and confused. He walked towards her not breaking the eye contact. She realized he must have been watching her for long. Her cheeks felt warm as a wave of blush ran across her face. She mentally checked her appearance.
She kept the cup on the parapet and parted her lips to say something but he silenced her with his finger on her lips while still looking deep into her dreamy eyes. She broke the eye contact and lowered her gaze and focused on his chin. He loved it when she did that. He loved watching the small frown that appeared on her forehead and vanished as swift as it had appeared. He loved the way her eyelashes fluttered when she lowered her gaze. He slid hands over her waist and pulled her into an embrace. She rested her head on his shoulder and slid her arms under his to hug him. That brief hug spoke volumes in silence. Love for him and evil for her.
He then made her face him lifting her chin with one finger. He traced her jaw line with his thumb followed by his tongue. The moment he reached her ear lobe she took a sharp breath. That amused him. He left a soft bite on her ear lobe. He looked into her eyes now. She moved her arms to adorn his neck and brought her face closer to his. He leaned in to taste her tempting lips.

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