10. One. The only one.

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French Polynesia, that's where we landed, after an absurd amount of time. Like 3 days non stop. Airports, customs, endless waits, boarding, meal trays, jet lag. Hopefully I was most of the time totally high with pain killers.

Jane kicked me out a couple hours after my surgery, no way you spend your holidays here. Reacher or the cops might be after me, we've stayed hidden for 2 weeks in different safe houses, until I was allowed to get on a plane. Aircraft's pressurisation and artery surgery don't mix, apparently.

Our new passports in our pockets, we traveled half of the planet, thanks to my personal nurse and assistant who planned the whole thing.
Prescription for my painkillers, regular documents for all the cash we carried into the cabin (less than the legal 10 000$), the "real" story of my car accident, one lie or two about how 2 Canadian citizens met in America. Smartest thing: A little piece of paradise to settle down, with an hospital within a 30 minute drive. Jane's recommendation.

We just got the keys to our hotel room, and I want nothing more than flopping on the bed and sleep for the next 3 days.

"Here, let me help you babe." She carefully takes my leather jacket off of my shoulders.
We just left, pockets empty, well almost, and the weather in this little Heaven is not Pittsburgh's.

She's working on the buttons of my shirt and I first thought it was because of the heat, or to check my bandage one more time. She lets her fingers lazily sketching random patterns on my chest, which is the most delicious feeling I've ever undergone. Morphine in IV, you're nowhere near her level.

I shiver under her touch, but I've been out for so long I can't react. My brain is still scrambled by painkillers, jet lag and the softness of her skin over mine.

She starts attacking the buckle of my belt, that's when I notice she's biting her lower lip. Her breath is shallow and fast, she avoids any eye contact with me, while sliding my jeans down my butt.

"Sit down." She orders, pushing me back to the edge of the bed.
I comply, still confused about her intentions.

Nicky kneels down and pulls my sneakers off, then my pants. Her hooded eyes are now glued to mine, I may be half naked, but the heat in the room has multiplied tenfold.

Not saying a word, she stands up and quickly takes off her tank top and both her jeans and thong. Standing just in her unnecessary bra before me, her little pussy screaming my name, she bends over to simply kiss my lips.

Sweet Jesus, it's so soft and sexy at the same time, I don't know if I should cry or howl.
She cuts my thoughts off with her tongue, licking and parting my lips, before shoving it in my mouth and hungrily devouring me.

The moan that escapes her lungs finishes undoing me and my cock hardened twice more in my boxer briefs. My free hand cups the back of her head to deepen the kiss, our first one. I want, I need to wrap her in my arms and touch every piece of her skin but my right arm is stuck in that sling, forbidding me the slightest move.

That bra needs to go away, her boobs have been teasing me for the very beginning. Their right place is in my mouth. My fingers are struggling with the hook, I was not an expert in unclasping bras before, but it seems impossible with only one clumsy hand.

She stops eating my mouth for a second and reaches behind her back to free those beautiful babies.
I crawl back on the bed, using my heels to replace my useless right limb.

She walks on all four up the bed until she straddles my thighs, her gaze on me literally on fire. She hooks her fingers under the hem of my briefs and I help her by lifting my ass up so she can slide it down and off. My cock jumps free and slaps my lower belly, already damp and glistening at the head.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2018 ⏰

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