Chapter two the Dawn

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I had passed out pretty early into our journey  probably because of the intense pain from my wings.but by the time of early light I had a foggy grasp on reality we were on laid walking towards huge Gates there were covered in spikes and a few had fresh energon on them.  I tried to squirm a little but Skylynx tightened his grip on my wings I passed out once again.when I came to we where in front of a huge castle it was in a odd Crescent glistened slightly in the sunlight's I was completely clueless to where I was but I quickly passed out again.and The final time I woke up I was in a Dark room on the floor it was a dark dingy gray and there was a berth on the right Bag was gone and I was completely alone I slowly pushed myself up there was a very large puddle of energon behind me. I quickly remembered the status of my wings as I put my serve behind me to touch them which was a terrible decision. The moment a digit even laid on it intense pain went through my frame and I sparked a few times. I groaned loudly and quickly move my servo.i slowly stood up and crosses my arms shaking as I called out." Hello!!!!." My optics started to adjust to the power lighting in the room and I can see it was nothing more than a garage to be honest.but with second I hear a Door open from behind me. I quickly turned around to see who it was to my slight relief it was Darksteel. But I held myself defensively and asked in a snooty tone." Where have you brought me!!!." He didn't seemed feast in the slightest as he walked towards me and said." Um firehold." I heard them speak about this place earlier but I still have no idea what it was as I asked." Be more descriptive please!!!."

He rolled his optics and said sounding quite calm." It's the predacon Capital." I stood there slightly dumbstruck as it hit me how much I cut myself off from society.i looked at him and asked softly." H-how long has this been going on!?." He smiled softly as he put down a small med kit." Um about 5 Solar cycles." My wings shot up and I cried out from they said in pain and was shocked that they manage to build their own city.he sighed and looked at me and opened the med kit." I am sorry about your wings.... I swear my brother didn't mean to do it." I of course didn't believe him but I was wondering what she was going to do as he Picked up a mesh roll and a energon cube.i started to walk away slowly and said." For some reason I am skeptical about that...." he sighed and walked over to him and said." Well....he just has issues with bots....but anyways let get you patched up!." I raised my optic and stood defensively and snapped." When did you become a medic!!." He blushes softly and chuckled." Well I am not a medic yet! But silver has been teaching me!." I was even more confuse but before I can say anything I was assured to the small berth and pushed on to it. I tried to put up a protest but before I knew it he was wrapping the mesh around my optics widened as the pain was unbearable and I let out a scream. Darksteel cringe softly and said softly." S-sorry this is just a temporary fix.....there too much nerve damage for me to fix." As I Drags my claws across the berth I snapped at the young predacon." WOW REALLY!!?." He nodded not taking the hint but something inside me told me he was doing the best he the tears started to roll down my face he stopped for a moment and said." I-I-I am sorry.....just take a deep breath and I'll be all over." I nodded softly as he started again I hit the berth as hard as I physically could trying to look a little more masculine. But the faceted that I was crying and my frame was shaking like a leaf it was a lost cause.

But like he said he finally finished and the pain started to fade away I looked over to him and asked.".... why are you doing this for me...." he shrugged and cut the excess mesh of and said." Well it's the Best thing to do I guess...." he sniffed softly and wiped the tear off my face and said." Well....thank you." He smiled softly and said putting the energon next to me." Don't mention it! The mesh should keep the nerves cool." I nodded softly as I slowly took the energon cube in my servo and asked him." So....who is the silver?." He face lit up and I swear I could hear a light purring sound." O-o-oh well she predaking first Lieutenant.....and a Doctor! She's so nice and smart and sassy!." I smirked a little bit as I took a little bite of my energon listening to the love sick predacon as he continue." She even helped build firehold! And believe that we can all Live together in harmony!!." I chuckled softly as I said." She sounds like a really hippie." He rolled his optics and said." Well she's not she a fierce warrior." I sighed and continue to eat my energon cube as I said." Of course....your predacons." He trying to think of a comeback but he just smiled and said." Well i'll give you that try to rest before Skylynx feels like going on the curl streak again." I gulped softly and started to scratch my thigh Gently digging my claws in myself. darksteel didn't seem to notice as he grabbed his med kit and said." I-I-if you need anything just ask okay?..." I nodded he Scratching myself even more as he left and the Door shut and locked. I felt my anxiety go up think of what Skylynx was going to do. He always hated me even when they were Pups he would try to eat me...."

So I sat there on and before I've even notice I had scratched a large cash into my thigh and it was bleeding.but it didn't phase me I just started at the energon slowly Dripping down into the floor I don't know how long I sat there just watching myself  bleed. Until I heard the door open again i looked over to see Darksteel with a smirk on his face and something in his servo as he said." Well looks who's up." I didn't say a word I just stared at the floor.he growled softly and said in a loud voice." Get over here trash seeker!!." I slowly got to my feet and scurried over to him. But I didn't look dear look up at him as he said." Good Boy now let's see what you can do!." He chuckled and put his servo under my chin and said." But just in case you get any idea of escaping." In his other servo he had a shock collar my wings when down as i got the bit of courage." P-please d-d." He stoped me mid sentence and slapped the Device around my neck and strap it on far to tight.i chocked and pulled on it in intent to loosen it but he slapped my servo and said." Now get to work!!." I jumped and in a moment of fear and anger I said." Well I can work in till you tell me what to do..." he was quit for a moment before he grabbed me by the neck and picking me up by it.he gasped and started to squirm around he gave me a cold look and said." If you talk to me like that again I am gonna rip your bloody wings off got it!!!." I squealed and kicked the air frantically and squeaked out an answer." Y-ye-yes." He tightened his grip and yelled." YES WHAT!!." I knew what he wanted me to say but I couldn't make myself say it.he growled and throw me again the wall of the hall way.i coughed and tried to get up but he put his foot on my chassis and pushed me down.i squealed and put my servo in his cadulen he squatted down and said." Yes what??." He gulped and forced myself to say it." Yes master...." he smirked and moved his foots and said looking down at me." What is that so hard trash seeker?." I didn't say anything I just pushed myself up and got to my knees.he rolled his optics and said sounding extremely satisfied with himself." Now before you started being a little Glitch I was going to tell you I want you to clean all the berth Chambers and rooms in the Castle!." I slowly stood up holding myself in the low defensive position and asked." H-h-how many would that be...." he smirked and said in a cold tone." Oh about about 390." My optics widened my wings shut up and be for I can say anything." That includes the out tank rooms." I whined softly out tank rooms we're close to what humans called bathroom.he shot my a glare and I looked down picking at my semi healed gash on my thigh. And said in a small voice." Where should I start....m-m-master." My tanks twisted as that word burned into me I could see The smug satisfaction coming from the predacon as he answered me." Well how about you started right down here." I looked around in the dark gray all way which we were in it looked pretty clean so I asked." W-what wrong down here." He growled and said." Well other than the trash in it the walls need cleaned." I looked down at myself and said with a calm tone." Yes sir....." he smirked and showed me a small closet in my room which had all the cleaning supplies. He sighed and grabbed the things I needed and as he watched me clean I thought to myself. Why was I so....worthless not even my own father wanted me......was...was this what I was meant for??!

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