Chapter three across the Horizon

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: Predaking P.O.V:

The sun shined through the light cloud coverage and the wind was warm I looked around for my Lieutenant.she had a terrible tendency of flying off and forgetting to tell anyone I roared out to her but I didn't get a response I growled softly as I went higher into the sky rising above the clouds.i looked around for silver claw and sighed as I roared again but to my relief her high pitched voice came through the com." Um sorry your high I may or may have not gotten to the crash site...." I sighed and looked around for a place to landed. I slowly made my dissent and within moments I hit the ground and transformed and stood in the sun light.i sniffed the air trying to find silverclaws sent.and in the wind The slight smell of papaya wax she had gotten off some bot got my attention.and I ran towards at full speed and activated Com and said." What do you see silver??." It was quiet for a moment as she answered me." Just a small cargo's still on you want me to put it out my king?." I didn't have to think long as I said." Of course silver." I could see a pillar a smoke about 200 feet I transformed and started to run even faster and in moments I saw so silver using her powers. She was shorter then the boys but probably the smartest pred I had ever met.she was A light silver with yellow Lines all over her with spikes running down the top of her tail.i transformed and walked to her ice covered the ground around her and it was about 20° cooler around her.she looked over at me with her Crystal blue optics and said." I think I got the flame under Control my king!." I nodded and looked around the Area there wasn't a spark to be seen.she sighed softly and said in a worried tone." Do you think there will be any survivors my king??."  I couldn't give her an honest answer I put my servo on her shoulder and said ." We can only hope...." she sighed and looked for a Way of entering the wreckage. I followed suit and somehow I found the front the called for her." Come silver!!." It quickly punched the glass and and huge cloud of smoke washed over me.i cough loudly and shut my optics tightly and after my moment it had dissipated.i could het the sound of silver giggling I looked over to her and asked." What is so funny??." She covered her mouth but her optics told me something had her quite amused.i raises my optics and asked once again." Seriously?." She moved her servo and said with a smile on her face." Your covered in ash my king." And so I was i looked at my frame to see that it was mostly black.i couldn't help but smile a bit and said." Well maybe this will help me blend into the ship surroundings." She couldn't help break out into giggles once again. Laughter was always her defense defense mechanism for things like this.but I hoped into the cock pit to find to deceased vehicons.i sighed and called out to my Lieutenant." I...i think you should stay out there my friend..." she was quiet for a moment and then asked." But my king what if you need help??." I thought of this for moment and answered." I shall call for you....okay!?."

I heard her whine softly but she answered softly." Yes my king....." I smiled and called back to her." Thank you my friend now keep watch." And I started my way through the ship it was completely quiet. The only sound I was able to hear was the occasional flicker of flame.i eventually got to the laboratory it looked like a experiment gone wrong.two mech laid on the floor the only sing left of them were there skeletal structures. I couldn't even really tell you what happened it was just awful.i walked around some more and every single but I found was dead. I was about to give up and tell silver that no one had survive when I heard a small cherp coming from somewhere.i looked around and called out." Hello??." The cherping got louder and it sounded like there where more then one making the sound.i listen quietly and smelled the air The only thing I could pick up smoke but the cherping sounded like it was coming from from the right. I looked in that Direction to find a Hall way to a un Leopold room. I kicked in the Door and the cherping when quiet It looked like a holding cell. There was a huge Cage and on the floor was a Predacon in beast mod. I smiled and said." Oh hello!!." There was no response I walked closer to find it was I femme she laid there his paws covering something and a small pool of energon around her tail. To my great disappointment she was Dead as well.i sighed seeing The state she was in she was chained to the wall and extremely skinny.but suddenly I heard the cherp once again I raised my optics and looked under her paws to see three newly born pups.they still had a bit of after birth on them i smiled softly and said." Hello there little ones....." the biggest of them who was a bright purple cherped at me.she was to small to stand on her little legs I quickly turned on my com." Silver your going to have to do a three check ups." She gasped Loudly and said in a happy tone." Really!! Ok-okay! Predacon or bot." I smiled as I pulled off the Cell door and said." Three pups.... her mother.... is no longer with us" she gasped again and I could hear her put her servo over her mouth.she sighed softly and answer." Yes my king.... do you need me to go in there!?." I sighed looking at the Body of the femme and slowly moving her paws." No.... I will see you in a moment." Before she could protest I transformed and slowly grabbed the pups by there scruffs there was a a red and orange one with a small part of wings and the runt who was a soft blue and grey who looked like a sea dragon.i carfully walked through the wreckage and making sure to avoid any more smoke pocket.i hoped through the window to see silver she had already gotten three small blankets out and three energon bottles.she squealed seeing them and run over to me and said." awww!!! They are precious!!."the purple one tailed whipped and push put out her paw to touch silver leg. She squealed again taking them in her arms and sat Down and said." There are so cute!." I transformed and said." get them ready for transport...i don't want to expose them to the smoke." She nodded and quickly put them in there little blanket and put three little bottles into there mouth.i sighed and looked over them and said." There mother saved there lives.." silver put her servo on my shoulder and said." I think any Parent would do that."

I nodded and looked over to her and said." We shall see if anyone would be willing to take them in...." she smiled and said putting the pups into a small Carrier." Of course!! I know several couples who would love a pup!!." I quickly add it." We shall not separate them." She looked up at me slightly shocked but she smiled and said." Of course my king!." I smiled and watched her play with them and said." I shall contact the boys and tell them we shall be returning early!." She nodded and started to blushes softly and asked." ask Darksteel how he's doing....okay!?." I chuckled softly and nodded as I walked a few feet away from her and turn my com on waiting for a answer. For moment I got nothing but static into a heard Darksteel kind voice." Hey king w-what's up!." I smiled and said in a kind tone." We shall be returning to firehold A little earlier than planned." I could hear him chock on something and said." W-what!? Why." I could hear the panic in his voice and my suspicions started to grow as I said." We have found three pups in some wreckage....." he didn't say anything Be I could hear him biting his claw tips and saying." O-o-okay." I pasted around and asked." Darksteel is something wrong!." He gulped and said softly." N-no my king...." I could immediately tell he was lying but I would have to find out as I said." We will get there by night fall tomorrow...." he let out a small sigh and said."Okay....oh who's silver!?." I smiled and said softly." She's good...just getting the pups ready." He was quiet for a moment and I thought I hear two bots walking into the room so I asked." Is that Skylynx And ripclaw!!? How are they." He was Dead quiet for a moment and said." Um Good just getting something to eat!." I hear Skylynx say something but I couldn't make it out. And the second bot spoke I thought I might have recognized it but it certainly wasn't ripclaw. This made me even more suspicious as I asked."who is that!?." He gulped and said quickly." Um a friend...." and suddenly Skylynx yelled something and Crash and them The second voice starts screaming. My spark stopped and I quickly ask." What the pits what that!!!." Click he hang up my spark was Pounding as I tried to get him but on the line.but he didn't answer I was shaking as I run but to silver and said." Please tell me that you and the pups are ready!!??." She looked up at me fear now in her optics as she asked." Y-yes me king...w-w-what wr-wrong!." I looked at her and said very sternly." I think Skylynx has done....something." She gulped and put a small tooper to that transport unit to kept the Pups warm in the sky. A idea popped into my helm as I activated my com to contact silver sister.i tapped my foot against the ground nervously when her loud Deep voice called out." My king how my I serve!?." I sighed and snapped." No need for formality my friend!! Where are you!!." She cleared her throat and said." Um sorry my king..and i have just gotten out of the shower...." I sighed and said." I need you to get Dried off as fast as you can and go find the Boys!!."

She was quiet for a second and asked." Umm why my king." I snapped at her and said." Because I think Skylynx is beaten someone up!!." She sighed and responded." Yes my lord...." I hang up and said." Let up fly!!." We both transformed and silver grabbed the transfer unit in her mouth and we got to the sky's. My frame was shaking with anxiety What in the name of primus could he be Doing....

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