Chapter four the Secret

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: Darksteel P.O.V:

My frame was shaking looking down at the seeker. Blood was all over the kitchen floor and a Huge gash across the seeker abdomen was showing a bit of his tank. He was screaming like bloody hell I was just in shock for a moment but I quickly snapped out of it and yelled at my brother." SKY WHAT THE PITS!!." I quickly got to my feet and run after to the seeker putting my servo over the gash.he screamed even more and tears started to roll down his face. I looked over to my brother both his servo were on the back of his helm as his tough guy persona melt away. As he said in a panicked tone." M-make the Bleeding stop steel!!!." I was pissed off now as I finally snapped." ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! I....I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN!!!." My brother started to whimper loudly seeing starscream like this no matter what he said he hated seeing people in real pain.i looked back to the seeker in a intend to calm him down." Shhhh calm down.....your going to be just fine....a-alright." He was to scared to even comprehend what I was saying.i sighed and looked over to my brother." I need to get him to med Bay." He nodded and without even thinking he asked." W-what if ripclaw hears him...." this made my temper skyrocket as I slowly picked him out." You about killed someone and your worried about getting caught!!!!." He looked down in shame for a second before he snapped back." He....he deserves it!!!." I didn't respond to him I just marched passed him and teleport to med bay. It was a completely white room with a few Computer I rushed the seeker on to the medic berth and laid him down gently.i he was still in obvious pain I put my hand on his helm and said." Shhh your going to be just fine okay??." I rushed over to a Drawer and picked up a syringe and bottle of very strong anesthetics.i quickly prepared to give it to him when he started talking weakly." P-p-p-please n-n-no." I rubbed his helm again and said in a soft tone." H-h-hey just r-relax....when you wake up you'll be all better." I slowly slide the needle into his arm his gasped softly and after A few moments his optics closed and I was able to work......

: starscream P.O.V:

Everything was dark and blurry I couldn't even make out where I was.i felt like I was floating on air I felt warm and oddly enough safe. But of course I crashed back into reality and my optics slowly opened I was in a white room but it was far warmer.and the berth was much more comfortable i really couldn't think straight my thoughts just hoped around to one the to another.i slowly tried to sit up but a strong pain when through my mid section. I tried to scream but all that come out was a soft groaned and I quickly laid but Down.but more of my senses started to Came Back I started to hear voice." you think he"ll be okay?!." I didn't recognize that voice it was a femme but he voice was slightly deeper than most.i hear someone else sighed and said softly." I hope..... there was no damage to his tank so The recovery won't be as long but....he'll be sore for as Deca cycle." I cringe at the idea of be in this odd state for that long I had just readjusted to speaking to bot. How in the pits did he expect me to go quiet again I tried to call out was just a feeble whimper.i heard one of them walking towards me it was a femme.she had yellow optics and her face had red lines starting at her optics and ended at her chin.she had sharp features she looked over at Darksteel and said." He's awake!." Darksteel rushed to my side and shoved ripclaw away. He smiled softly and said in a soft tone." Hey starscream...."

I moaned softly trying to respond but this seemed to worry him as he said." Can you not speak!?." I nodded my helm yes as I started to get worried.he put his servo on my throat gently putting a little pressure on it as he asked."Does that hurt??!." I nodded softly he made a curious face and said." Well I think you might have strain you Vocalizer." My optics got huge and a groaned a made sad puppy optics. Darksteel sighed and said softly." Am so sorry...." the femme walked over to the other side of the berth and poked my face Curiosity." I have never seen a second before!!." Darksteel looked over to her hand slapped her servo and said." Yeah that doesn't mean yo poke him! He's not a turbo fox." I nodded and tried to move as she started to examine my frame and said." Why is he so skinny!?." I whined softly and looked down Darksteel frowned and said." Because he's a seeker! They are supposed to be like this!." She raises her optic and asked looked at my hips." How is he supposed to Carrie?!." I grunted loudly I felt offended that she thought I would Carrie ANYONE sparklings!!. Darksteel couldn't help but smile seen the offense on my face as he said." Um rip he's a mech.....I don't think he's the caring type." She rolled her optics putting her servo on her hips and said." I don't understand all the ' Cybertron customs'." I could hear the sarcasm Deep in her voice. I would love to tell her that i was far from traditional when it came to mates but I could tell her when I could fragging speak again. Suddenly I felt my optics get heavy i looked over to see that Darksteel had gave me more pain killer. He smiled softly and said waking pass back out." That should help you rest a little bit."i tried to protest this but my frame told me just to I did

I had no idea how long i had passed out for I just remembered wake back up. The light were off and someone had put a blanket on me.i felt a little better and the pain in my abdomen wasn't as bad. I slowly sat up and to my relief there was only a little pitch now.i looked around and saw the Computer was left on the time bar read. 1:04 am I was surprise that I hadn't been waken up by a nightmare.i wrapped the blanket around my shoulders and nuzzled into it.i heard someone walking down the hall in my false sense of Security I tried to speak again think it was Darksteel." ......he-hey d-Darksteel." My voice was extremely weak and strained." The foot steps suddenly stopped. And a odd feeling swept over me.a few seconds when by before I heard who ever it was come closer and the door opened. I was temporarily blinded by the light but it quickly close.when I finally opened my optics I was horrified it was Skylynx. He had a Unreadable expression as he approached me. My frame was shaking heavily and my wings when down and held tightly together.he looked at me for a moment before he said." Well....looks like the trash lives." I gulped and didn't say anything. He got to my berth.he growled a little and snapped." Answer me damn it!!." I gulped and tried to make myself speak." I...i am.....not in the mood for this....." he looked shocked and completely offended as he grabbed me by my chin. He forced me to look in his optics and said." Do you know what.....I am done with you attitude." I snarled I think it might have been the huge amount of drugs in my system that made me so cocky but this would be my downfall. He grabbed my by the throat and squeezed it tightly and yelled." I guess I'll have to show you how to respect your superior!!!." I starts to shake but in a moment of pure adrenaline I kicked him in his abdomen as hard as I could.

He roared and fell to the ground he looked up and shoot my a death glare. I quickly tried to get up but he pounds to me pushing my face into the ground." OOH you're going to regret!!!." I started to hyperventilate and squirm around and spoke." P-p-please get off me!!!." He transformed and grabbed my neck and squeeze. He started to walk down the halls I was kicking and trying to scream. But nothing would come out he took me to with a dark room garage like room I wake up in. He throw me on the ground and transformed and pinned me down. He pinned my servo and yelled." You fragging Glitch!!." I started to kick and tried to scream but luckily something came out." AAAaaahH." He punched me in the lip and yelled." SHUT IT!!!!." He didn't let a single tear out as I struggled against him. He got a terrible smirk on his face and said." I just got of the best way to shut you up!!." I was shaking now as Flashback start to go through my optics. I have heard that tone so many times and I couldn't bear to go through it again and I tried to Headbutt him. But he wrapped his servo around my neck and whispered." If you were smart you would make this easier on yourself." I started to cry and I shut my optics hoping to Primus someone hear me.....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2018 ⏰

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