Chapter 3

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Time Skip to a week later
Shiros POV.
"Hey Keith i'm home! I shouted as I opened the apartment door. I walked up to keiths door and knocked "Come in!" Keith shouted. I walked into the room " Keith youre gonna be starting at your new school tomorrow." I said worryingly. (A/N If thats a word 🤪) "Yea I know. A new start." Keith Said joyfully.

Time skip To the next morning
Back to Keith's POV
"Keith time to wake up you forgot to set your alarm." Shiro said as I woke up. "Oh Im sorry." I murmured softly. "Its okay. Just get up and get ready for school. I made us breakfast." Shiro Exclaimed. "Okay." I said. Shiro walked out of the room and shut the door. I got up and had gotten dressed. I put on my Black jeans and black shirt then put on my red cropped sweatshirt. I then walked out of my room and headed to the kitchen. I grabbed the plate and put on it a pancake with a breakfast sausage. Shiro had handed me a paper with my bus stop address on top of the paper. I finished my plate and then put it into the sink. "I better get going." I said to shiro. "Have a good day. I hope everything goes well." Shiro said as I slipped on my red converses and put on my book bag. "Bye Shiro." I said "Bye Keith." He had said back.
A/N The next Chapters gonna get good promise ❤️

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