Chapter 7

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-Trigger warning self harm and brief discussions about harassment
Still keiths POV
I ran to the front entrance meeting up with Shiro. He wrapped his arm around me and we started to walk to the car. "Keith what happened you're all bruised up and you look like you were crying." he had said as we were heading to the car. I start to cry. We get to the car and he hugs me. "Im sorry i wasnt here to protect you Keith but I'm here now. I was in a important meeting at work. And you pulled me out can i adleast know what happened?" Shiro asked. We both got into the car and he started it and started driving. "These two guys were flirting with me and one of them kept grabbing my ass and then pushed me down to the ground. Then one of the guys started to kick me." I started to cry harder as i explained. "Im sorry keith." Shiro said. "Someone beat them up for me though and then he tried to cheer me up. He was really sweet and we traded phone numbers." I said. "Aww. True love I see." Shiro said. I felt my face get alittle warm. We got to the apartments. " Can i trust you alone?" Shiro asked. "Yea you can" I said still crying but barely. "Ill be home by 5 call me if anything happens okay." Shiro said assuringly. I nodded yes as i started to walk away. "Keith wait." Shiro said. "Yes Shiro?" I asked. "I love you keith." Shiro said with a worried look on his face. "I love you too Shiro." I said back. I started to walk away and started to cry more thinking about everything that's happened not just today but in the past. I ran up the stairs and got into the apartment. I ran into the bathroom fell to the floor and started crying historically. I opened the new pack of razors Shiro had just bought. And i broke One of the razors so i have just the sharp part. I pulled up my sleeve and just started cutting. I wanted to stop but i didnt so i got my phone and called lance since he told me hes here for me.

Keith: Lance are you there? *while crying historically
Lance: Ya, Are you okay what is it?
I started feeling light headed
Keith: I made a mistake. A big one. Come to Maple hill apartments 304 *crying harder and harder*
Lance: Are you okay?
I had dropped the phone and passed out.

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