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A/N: uwu they cute. also since this chapter would be too short i'm uploading another one today

Day 112


There the two of them were, in a car. Jack decided to leave as soon as possible because of what he said the day before. It was very awkward, he had to admit.

"Can I turn on the radio?" he asked, looking at Jack with big eyes and a pouty lip. The older looked at him through the side of his eyes, giving him a look then sighed while nodding.

Zach giggled happily, pressing the button waiting for something to play. 'Best Song Ever'  by One Direction coming on first. The older sitting there, clearly trying not to explode.

"And we danced all night!" Zach yell-sings waving his hands around the car, waiting for Jack to finish. He sat there saying nothing. "Come onnn." he nudged Jack expecting an answer.

He just played along to keep the younger happy. "How it goes but I know..." Jack mumbled, tapping the wheel.

"That I won't forget her!"

"Cause we danced all night." he started smiling.

"To the best song ever!" Zach screeched, trying to hit the high note, a large grin came from Jack.

They continued for hours even past the sun setting. They turned the music off after they realized it was 12:30 in the morning. Jack set on finding the nearest motel to sleep in for the night. It took about fifteen minutes until they found a rundown cheap looking motel on the side of the road. Jack parked the vehicle in the surprisingly crowded parking lot, letting the sleepy sixteen year old boy wobble out of it.

"There is one room available." the cranky looking man deadpanned as soon as the two walked in.

"Are there two b-"

The man sighed, interrupting Jack. "There is one bed. Take it or leave, like I care. You having a fight with your little boyfriend or something?"

"I mean we'll take it. But we're not togeth-"

"I didn't ask for your life story. Take a key. Room 13." he mumbled with an outstretched arm. Jack took it, giving him ten bucks, then pulling Zach by the hand through the small hallway into their room for the night. The younger plopped on the small creaky mattress, looking like he was going to pass out.

Jack sat next to the brunette who had curled up into a ball, turning away from him. His hair was fluffy and strewn across his forehead. Zach smiled slightly before seemingly falling asleep. Jack always wondered how when they texted, it seemed like they were both just regular guys with no stories to tell. Jack still had one that he hasn't told yet — as it brings back horrible memories and he never wanted to bring it up.

He laid down facing Zach who was out cold. Smiling, before he fell asleep.

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