Characters !!! Michelle Ramirez

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Hi my name is Michelle I was suppose to be named 'Brehana' but my brother suggested Michelle. I was actually thankful for that. I have an older sister named Carolyn. We are both 'nerds'. It's really not our fault. We really want to go to college but that will take alot of effort for that to happen. We will need the scholarships. We are not really rich. I have 3 jobs and Carolyn has 2. 2 of my jobs involve at the same place. We don't really arrive at our house when school is finished. We go straight to our jobs. But today Megan (My boss) said I had the day off. I was sort of greatful because I would relax. The bad part is, I really do need the money. We aren't broke, we just need it for food. We live in a Medium house I guess you could say that. Let's start with some basic questions.


Favorite color?:Black,grey,blue,turqoise,and peach.

Hobby:Reading and writing

Siblings? I had a brother and I have Carolyn. My brother was stabbed and died while he was at a friend's house. He died at the age 14. He's the older brother.

Relatives:Only my sister. All of our family is dead. And I mean all of them.

Girly or Tomboy:Definetly Tomboy. But I have my girly moments hehe.

Crush:Um it's Alejandro but he's secretly dating Courtney sadly...

Favorite movie:A Haunted House funny movie... Too sexual though..

Favorite Cartoon:Tom and Jerry!

Favorite toy:A car :P

Wish:To not have backstabbing friends & never let my sister leave my side.

Fear:To be alone in a room.

Fear of objects/people:Clowns and puppets. Creepy...

That is it! Also, don't tell Alejandro I have a crush on him. He may or may not freak if he finds out! Bye!!!!!

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