Chapter Four

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"Now you can come in." "Annie, I know that I know approximately ten words in Russian," An understatement from Reiner. He was about halfway there to fluency. That was still enough to understand Annie's meaning towards Armin. "And..." "What did he do? Are you okay? Why am I asking that you flipped me over the other day..." Bertholdt interjected, and he continued rambling on. "Okay, Bertholdt! I get it!" Annie barked at him. "Sorry, its been really stressful," they all looked at the broken door, shelves, books and things thrown on the floor, the broken glass, etc. "and I'm just going to say thanks to you. If you hadn't have stabbed Bertholdt with the scalpel earlier, I wouldn't have known." "Yeah, thanks Reiner," Bertholdt said sarcastically. "Hey, not my fault that Thomas shoved me!" They continued a small bicker for a minute. "Anyways," Annie cut in, "we have to clean this up or my landlady is gonna kill me."

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