Chapter Nine- Meetup

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Annie walked into the library with one large box of books, slammed it on the counter, and told the shocked librarian she had more. The librarian and Annie spent near a half hour moving and organising the books into a way in which they could be integrated into the library system. She and the librarian thanked each other, and Annie went to go get a book that she noticed had fallen on its journey. Eren snatched the book before she could get to it and demandingly said, "Where did you get this?" Annie reached up to grab it, saying, "A friend left it with me, and I don't want it anymore." He stretched his arm out higher, inquiring, "I mean, who?"
"What's it to you? Is it your book or something?"
"This book isn't exactly common, and my friend the the only one in the area that I know of with this book?"
"Oh, so you know every single book in every single building in the area."
"No, he prides himself on owning it, and would never shut up about it"
"Who was it?"
"Why should you care?"
"Because," she said as she ripped the book out of his hand, "This needs to be gotten rid of. The person that gave this to me doesn't deserve that pride of ownership."
"Wait, I know you."
Annie took a closer look at him.
"You're his friend right? Armin Artlert's friend?"
"Used to be"
"The idiot. Did you find out the easy way or the hard way?"
"Hard way."
"I see. Let's find somewhere better to chat."
The two went on their way to a local cozy café for a coffee and tea break. Two of the baristas were obviously dating, but one was more reluctant to admit than the other. Annie went up to order. Ymir, the reluctant one, stepped up.
"A green tea and a coffee please."
Ymir gave them their drinks, and Annie paid. "Speak to me like that again, Ymir, and I'll have a word with your missus," Annie teased. Ymir called back, "You wouldn't dare tell Historia!" As Eren sat down with Annie, he heard Ymir and presumably Historia bicker.
"So," Annie said, "Let's try and piece the whole story together." Eren nodded. "So we've both been told excuses for our respective partners absences for months now, and we find out today. I get home from a class cut early, and see them in my flat making out. I yell at them, Mikasa cuts me on the nose. Armin tries to stand up for himself, realises he's a pansy. I throw the cabinets down, they evacuate. My friends come over, help me clean up, pack up Armin's things, and donate his clothes and miscellaneous objects to a thrift store, I pack up his books for a library donation. Your turn." Eren stared in awe at Annie's telling, of the brute force on her side. "Uh, yeah. I'm home, making ramen because the kitchens at the school caught on fire again, and I hear my door handle move. I listen up at the door, and hear basically their side of your story. I realise what's happening, and prepare myself. They get in, I yell at them, pack my bags, and head over to my friends' place. I realise I have to do some work, and head to the library. I guess my side's a bit less exciting."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2019 ⏰

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