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Read to the end, and i will explain.

Denis' POV

So my friends (the Pals) are all at my house for the holidays. We have just got back from a little 'Gaming Tour'. We met so many fans and i loved seeing all of them.

Im kinda sad that its over, but im glad to be home. With my friends, who are so caring and kind.

"ALEX!! How many time do I have to tell you. 'Get away from my side of the kitchen'!! YOU FUCKING GAY BASTER," screamed Sketch from the kitchen.

"Well maybe if you wouldn't hog all the ingredients I need. Then maybe I wouldn't be on your side!!!! AND YOUR THE DAMN BASTER, BITCH" shouted Alex, that was right next to Sketch.

It's about two days before Thanksgiving and Alex and Sketch where at each others throats.

Alex and Sketch where cooking the feast, Corl was to clean and look after Sub (Sub is a toddler trapped in a grown mans body). I had to decorate and set everything up for Thanksgiving.

"Guys, can't you two just calm down. Your scaring Sub with all your yelling." Said Corl.

I look at Sub and he's sitting on the floor with his eyes watering.

Sub hates it when we fight. I guess to him its like watching his parents fight.

Corl picks up Sub and and try's to calm him down.

Alex and Sketch look at he each and sighed.

"We're sorry Sub," Alex says calmly.

Alex looks over at Sketch, who has his aems crossed, and elbowed.

"Ow. Ya, what he sai, we are sorry," Sketch finally said, glaring at Alex.

Corl gave me Sub cause he was tired of holding him.

Sub looked at me pouting, and I knew what he was thinking.

I looked at Sketch and Alex and said, "You two need to hug and make up."

"Oh HELL no," Sketch complained.

"Come on Sketch, it wont be the end of the world. All you got to do is fake it a little," i whispered the last part.

He looks at Sub, then Alex. He sighs," ...fineeeeeeeee..."

They both gave each other a look, and then gave an awkward hug and smile. Which made me, Corl and Sub laugh a little, because we know they felt uncomfortable.

Corl's POV

Denis' puts Sub down in a chair by the counter, and Sub was back to being happy.

Denis then asked,"What's for dinner."

"McDonald's?" I suggested, looking at them.

They looked at each other and said sure. So I jumped in my car and go to McDonald's. So we can all eat.

*times skip after Corl gets back from McDonalds*

Denis' POV

Corl got back from McDonald's and handed all of use our food.

I  look at Sketch,who was just making faces to make everyone laugh. He looks at me and smiles.

'God he's so cute,' I thought to myself.

All of a sudden I feel myself go limp and everything was pitch black. I look up and see everyone looking at me.

My head is pounding, and i dont feel to good.

Sketch then said,"You alright Denis?"

My head is killing me and I know what's happening.

"I'm fine, I guess I just need some rest," i tell them, lookong down because my head hurted to much.

I quickly got out of there and looked at myself in the mirror in my room.

I'm sweating and I feel weak, its happening again. But i thought i lost it. I thought i was finally free. I thought i could be happy.

I take a good look in the mirror and see the face i never wanted to see again. I dont want to hurt anyone again.

The guys are downstairs and I began to panic.

I said to myself over and over again.

"Not again."

Hey y'all it's ya girl Gabbi

And i redid this a little. And if it doesn't quite makes sense, sorry...

But i hope you like it

Remember follow me and I will follow you

Much love and byeee

Denis'  Betral [Part One]Where stories live. Discover now