A Long Ride

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There will be a smut if you don't like it don't read it.

(Hint: this chapter was so bad. That i had to change like a lot. So when you see texted like this, its me redoing it and making smart ass comments)

Sketch POV

I look on the ground where Denis' body laid and started to hyperventilate.

"Denis'....why are you doing this", I mumble.

Alex's POV

I run into Denis' room because I heard a loud crashing sound. Corl and Sub are right behind me as I open the door. I then see Denis' body on the ground with a little blood steam down his head.

Corl gasps at the sight while i try to get my head around it. 'What could've happened?' I thought to myself.

I look to Sketch, and he looks back back at me almost breathless his face is red and he seemed scared.

"Sketch what happened", I said.

His eyes grow big as his breath quickened, he look down at Denis and turned away from us.

"He......he.............he........he ju.....just......fell.....he just fell off the..the....bed.." He said stuttering.

Sub carefully walks to Denis and feels his pulse. He gave a worried look for a second but then a sigh of relief. I look at Sketch again, he turned around but something was off. I don't know what it was, but im too tired to question any furter.

I put my hand on Sketch's back and reassured him that Denis will be fine. Sketch was kinda shaking and when i touched him he flinched. Did Denis' fall really scare him?

Sketch took a deep breath and became steady, he smiled his warm smile and calmed down.

I smiled too because who doesn't smile when Sketch smiles?

After that me, Sketch, and Alex all picked up Denis and set him on the bed again.

"Do you think you can clean the cut on his head?" Corl asked Sketch.

"Of course, don't worry about it." Sketch said with his attitude.

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Well I'm heading back to bed. Night."

"Us too, night." Corl said grabbing Sub following me.

"Night guys, and thanks for helping me." Sketch hollered.

I closed the door after give Sketch a nod meaning anytime.

'Man..... Sketch is loud, but he still seemed uneasy....? Its probably nothing. Americans are weird anyways.'

Sketch's POV

The rest of the night I was on edge. I don't know what got to Denis, but i didn't want it to happen again.

I have already cleaned the cut on his head so I sat on the very far side of this bed away from Denis and i watched him sleep.

Even though Denis is out cold i didn't trust him, who knows when he will gain consciousness. He might try it again.

Thoughts of every worst scenario ran though my head that I eventually past out of exhaustion.

*Time Skip*

When I woke up the bed was empty and the clock said it was 10:00A.M. I checked everywhere till i was for sure i was alone. Denis must have left once he woke up.

"Dang it, I was supposed to edit a video today." I say out loud to myself.

Whenever I'm editing vidoes i like to wake up and get it done early so i can do whatever i want in the afternoon.

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