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"Scarlet, you'll love it, I promise," James was holding his hands over my eyes so I wouldn't see the surprise he had for me. 

"James, I don't like surprises!" I said, latching onto him tightly so I wouldn't fall.

"You'll love it," He said into my neck, kissing it. It tickled and I giggled.

Then I tripped over something, my own feet maybe, and I shrieked. "Oh, for God's sake," James said. He slipped his arms under me and swung me up. I peeked open an eye. "Keep your eyes shut!" He demanded. I smile/

It was another five minutes before he stopped walking and said, "This is good enough," He let down gently. "Open your eyes."

I opened them, and was blinded momentarily. I swayed a little. I think I almost fell because I felt James put his hand on my back to steady me. 

I saw we were in a field. All I could see was a field. Then a short distance away, to my left, was an airplane. 

I gasped. "Oh, James! Is it for us?" I didn't wait for him to answer as I bounded over to it, shrieking with excitement. "It's so tiny! It's adorable!" I touched the side of it but pulled my hand away fast, as if it were hot. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. 

"I thought I'd take you on a ride," He said, kissing my neck. "I know how to fly,"

"You better know how to fly," I said, spinning in his arms to rest my hands on his chest.  "Otherwise it's a death trap and not recreational."

He smiled. "Of course I know how to fly. Don't be silly." He let go of me and walked around to the side of the airplane to fiddle with something.

He helped me in, telling me we wouldn't be able to talk very much as it was loud with the wind. James put on his aviator helmet and goggles and got in behind me.

I was nervous. I'd never been in an airplane like this, with nothing around you to protect you. My heart sped up, then sped up some more as he started the engine, and took off.

As soon as we were in the air, I loved it. It was amazing and I felt weightless. I'm not sure if I screamed; if I did, it was lost in the wind. 

The view was incredible, too. Absolutely beautiful. We flew as the sun set, casting amazing colors of orange and red and yellow on the land. We startled a pack of buffalo or some animal like it; they were running wildly below us. 

We flew over the camp, and I leaned over a bit to see it. I could see people, tiny little ants, who appeared to be waving. Or maybe it was my imagination. I nearly lost my head scarf and sunglasses from looking over, though, so I made sure not to.

I glanced back at James, who looked peaceful. I reached my hand back to touch his.

We flew over the forest on the cliff where we would watch the sunset. We flew past the waterfall. It was even more stunning from far away and this high up. He took us over the small village of people, then aimed just left of the sun. We were right over the middle of nowhere.

I saw other animals; groups of zebras, a cheetah or two. I also saw some boggy, marsh looking wetland things. I saw some elephants drinking from it, as well as a giraffe. The giraffe had to stoop funnily to get its head to the water.

James began to descend. I realized I was more nervous for this part than the ascending. But, we made it down safely and when we had completely stopped, I jumped out and he chased me, grabbing my waist and twirling me. I laughed happily.

"That was absolutely wonderful James! I loved it, it was incredible. I don't even know what to say." I said

"I love you," he said.

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