Chapter 6.

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"Wake up.... Wake up. Wake up!"

I snapped back to consciousness. The last thing I remembered was my reflection leaving my path. I breathed heavily and quickly. "You're back!" Liy's voice scared me. I stayed silent, no words would come out of my mouth. "Aren't you?" her words had a concerned tone to them. I was fearing what she might've been planning on doing. I mouthed the words "Where are my team?"
She read my lips and started laughing.

"They're dead."

"You killed them."

"You killed the eliminated contestants."

"You killed Four."

"And everyone else is dead."

"Everyone except you, I, Remote, Bracelety, Grassy, Eraser and Blocky."

Eraser, probably after hearing his name, entered our range. "Do you want to see something cool?" Liy whispered.
I was mute, I had no choice but to watch as a blade of thick grass wrapped around her wrist and shot out of her hand as a sword. "Liy?" His voice cracked slightly, he was obviously startled to see her. She used the grass sword to slice through Eraser, his pieces spread across the floor. I froze, silently screaming. I could feel myself crying. The weapon wrapped back around her arm and faded away. I changed my sitting position to kneeling. I was too weak to stand. I threaded my fingers through the grass, grabbing it every so often. I wanted to kill Liy but I couldn't bring myself to do it.
I then heard footsteps, as if someone was running. Bracelety. She hugged me tightly, whimpering and crying. "I-I know you told me to stay... stay there but I didn't l-like being around the... the dead bodies..."
I hugged her back in a protective way, glancing at Liy. I tried to say "Kill her and I will get you." but nothing came out.
"I can hear you. You can't do anything to me, you can't kill anymore, all you can do is trust. Trusting people is basically accepting the fact that you're being lied to. Trusting people is letting them break you. One day, you'll be like me. The real you will prevent other people from trusting others like I did. So go ahead, go with Bracelety, you're the one losing here." she stated, causing me to twitch with fear.
Bracelety started walking away from me. I tried asking where she was going but couldn't. "Aren't you going to follow me?" she stopped.
She was leading me somewhere.

Death C.A.P.T 2. [Complete]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant