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Edit because I'm to lazy to go write a new chapter 

so go guys..... So if your reading this I just want to now that I'm kinda inactive.....okay let me explain i m still on here twenty four seven but I don't post or respond to messages and dms. This is mostly for some personal reasons and because I get a lot of hateful dms/messages so to sum the up I will still be following peeps and reading stories but I won't be responding to anything or writing anything else. So that's it I hope y'all understand and that you don't hate me because I love y'all so much so bye..... Also shout to my first follower and my second follower because I love yall 💕💕

Edit again

so I put this in my other book but I want to put it here to

I'm pansexual thank you for coming to my ted talk 


my upload schedule is really sparse, i'll probably upload like once a year (that's not being dramatic) so yeah...

(WARNING the first 2 or 3 chapters are pretty cringy but i promise they get better (i hope they get better) Heh)

soo hi this is my new book called random shit and it really is random shit also the cover for this story is my faviroute gif ever so you'll probably see it a lot 

so i'm going camping for three days at the end of august.....................................fml I DON'T CAMP it's fall family camp and since my brother are both boyscouts my family get's to go..........i have eight my older sister won't be going because she's moved out and my other won't be going because of college my family did this last year too and i hated it so much the first day you don't really do anything the second day there's some activitys but you don't have to do them then there's the only part i liked.......the smore's then the next day there was a costume contest walking around in a field and 'trick or treating'

 then there was a scary walk where you would walk through the woods with (with you're group) and a bunch of the older campers would jump out at dressed up as random shit and it wasn't all and it was okay but the worst thing's on top of a mountain and there's no wifi or any kind of internet connection..................i basically live on the internet i'm on it 24'6 so this is gonna be tough......

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