so here's this shitty person

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watch this

and this, also when did onision become good again (you don't have too watch it, it's just a response video)

you're gonna be watching some videos

there's more don't worry

social response is her ex and btw this is all connected and still going on and social response deleted his song video so i can't show you that sorry

there's one more and these aren't in order at all so sorry bout that

okay that's it and those weren't in order so sorry if you were kinda confused and yes these are all connected, richie (social response) has been harrasing other youtuber (crankthatfrank and his girlfriend, jessie paege, jaclyn glenn) and he even brought dan and phil into the talk in his video about frank, this is honestly horrible, i have reported all of his videos about this shit, also you HAVE too watch these videos if you want anything i'm talking about too make sense. (also like oninsion isn't related too any of this that's just his response too all of this shit so you don't really have to watch it) so let's recap what richie has said/done to all of these people


he was cheating on her since the begining of their relationship and was a comeplete jerk and a horrible person and they had a really bad public breakup


so after the breakup he decided to drag one of jaclyns friends jessie paege into the shitstorm (jaclyn summed up his video in her video) and jessie had nothing to do with this, she was just friends with jaclyn and he said that her coming out was brand convient? WTF DUDE i'm sure all people who have had too come out to somebody is offened and i'm straight but honestly i'm offended 

frank and eva

so basically richie made a video talking about why he hates frank and basically he said that frank abuses eva and he cheated on her, he had no right too say that and he was lying for views and i'm so upset angry and disgusted that i have no words strong enough that describe how i feel, and he even talked about freakin dan and phil in his video (also frank and richie used to be friends until frank found out about him cheating on jaclyn and then he made that disgusting video) and there are more videos on richies and jaclyns breakup but i'm not going too put them here because they're mostly just extra details about that breakup but if you want too you can.

i really hope jaclyns makes a video about richies response to frank and eva because i think she would agree that it's completely disgusting.

thank you for reading this and please spread the word about this so more people can support frank and eva, jessie, jaclyn and anybody else this motherfucker drags into this mess


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