he is still in the dark

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Hi, My name is Mackenzie  Ziegler, Kenzie for short. I am 18 years old and I have a 4 month old daughter Khloe Nicole Anne Orlando-Ziegler. I love her so much, she is my pride and joy, the reason I wake up in the morning. You might be thinking 'Aren't you a little young to have a child?' and my answer would be yes, I am quite young but I would never give her up for adoption or even consider abortion. Her father Johnny doesn't even know she exists, he cheated on me a day after I found out I was pregnant. When I did find out I was pregnant my family supported me and I began online school, firstly so rumors about me weren't spread and so I could carry on with school after giving birth. She has a pretty long name, even though Johnny and his family do not know about her I still wanted to honour them so she has Orlando as her last name and Anne as her middle name, which is Johnny's sisters middle name, I also gave her Maddies middle name too. 

Right now I was Klo ready as well as myself, we were going to a carnival. I love the carnival, I don't even like rides but I love the vibe and environment. Anyways, I was going with Maddie and Jack and obviously klo, short for Khloe. After I had finished changing it was 4;45 and were leaving at 5. I was wearing an Adidas top with simple black leggings, paired with a green bomber jacket and my black vans, while Klo was wearing a cute pink onesie cause it is cold at night in LA. Maddie and jack were also ready when I went down with klo in my arms so we left early. I decided not to take a stroller because they are so much effort. We all piled in the car and I strapped Klo in her seat and Maddie set off. It took around 20 minutes to get there.

When we got there I picked up Klo and walked towards the entrance, Maddie paid for our tickets and we all headed inside. After Maddie and Jack went on a few rides together, because I don't like rides, we go for food. By now Klo was hungry so i reached inside her bag for her bottle and began feeding it to her. When she had finished her bottle, Maddie had came back with my fries. I thanked her and we began walking to the exit. Then I saw the person I had been trying to avoid for the last year now, Johnny with his WHOLE family. my eyes widened and Maddie noticed "what wrong kenz" she asks, I point to where the Orlandos are paying for their entry tickets . As I was looking at them Mer catches me "oh Kenzie, how are you?" she kinds shouts cause she is about 10 feet away. "good" is all I say and then speed walk off.

Later that night, after coming home, changing and putting klo to sleep, I receive a notification on my phone.

Lauren: It was nice seeing you today, haven't talked in a while, wanna hang some time? read 9;17

I felt really bad leaving her on read but I just couldn't she was johns sister

My door swung open "hey do you know what I realised?" Maddie asks sitting on the edge of my bed. "what?" I reply. "well we haven't posted any cute pics of Klo on Instagram" Maddie says kinda excitedly. "yeah well no-one knows about her" I reply "well we could change that" I sit there thinking, what if johnny sees the post, I guess I could block him. "ok, I will post a cute pic of her from that photoshoot she did" Maddie jumps up and down excitedly "yay, can I post one too?" I giggle "of course". I opened Instagram, a lot of my friends knew about Khloe but they thought I had a one-night stand after my break up with Johnny.

Kenzie: My most precious thing in life!

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Kenzie: My most precious thing in life!

liked by: lexijade, maddieziegler and 647                                                                      (she is not famous)


Lexijade: aww she has grown so much!

         Kenzie: ikr

maddieziegler: my beautiful neice!

        Kenzie: love you Maddie

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After posting my picture and replying to a few comment I set my phone aside a drift on into sleep.

I wake up to the sound of Klo crying. I remove my covers and stand up, I walk over to her nursery which I a connecting room to mine. I pick her up calming her. I bathe her and get her changed, I place her in her play cot and get ready myself. Ii decided it would be cute to match.

Our outfits:

 I wasn't really planning on doing anything today so I decided to go to the mall, I invited Maddie to come with me so we took her car

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 I wasn't really planning on doing anything today so I decided to go to the mall, I invited Maddie to come with me so we took her car.

After we arrived I unfolded Klo's stroller and we went inside. we shopped for about 1 hour then we decided to go get something to eat. We decided on Chick-Fil-A. As we entered we got shown to a table and gave menus. After ordering we ait for our food. we fill the time by chatting about random stuff until my heart sank when I heard my name being called by a voice I recognised. "Kenzie!" I look behind to see the Orlando twins along with a girl hand in hand with Johnny. I chose to ignore her, I know its rude but I cant risk her finding out. I turn back around and look down in my hands, I then lift my head to see Johnny standing by the table "What the fuck bitch, don't ignore my sister" he says with anger in his voice. I put my hand up trying to hide my face "go away oralndo" I respond while looking away. "Look at me, bitch" I look at him still hand-in-hand with the girl. "what do you want Orlando?" I ask curious to why he is still standing here. "who is the kid?" he asks pointing to Khloe on the other side of the table "none of your god damn business" I say looking back at him. he scoffs and stands there releasing his hand from the girls and folding them. "Maddie can you get the food fro takeout" she nods. I quickly unbuckle Khloe from the high chair and begin to strap her in her stroller  "what are you doing bitch?" I f he calls he bitch one more time I'm gonna loose it. I ignore him and continue to strap in Khloe. "I swear to god, answer me bitch!" he is getting on my last nerve I decide to respond to him "go the fuck away Orlando" I say looking at him in the face "what did you just say to me bitch" that's it that is the last straw "I swear to fucking god Orlando eave me alone of you'll regret it." I say with a lot if anger bubbling inside of me. "what are going to do , bitch?" I couldn't take it anymore I slapped him right in the face and I receive and few glares and gasps from people around us "I have the take out ready to go " Maddie says re-approaching the table. "yep" I reply popping the 'p'. I turn to leave but someone grabs to my wrist, I look up to see the hand belongs to Johnny "this is not over yet, bitch " he says then releases my hand, I turn back and begin walking.  

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