He gave gifts

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I woke up in someones arm. I look to my side and see Johnny, I remember the events of last night and smile. "John wake up" i shake him slighlty and peck his lips, then his eyes shoot open. "merry christmas" i smile at his words, I then remember it is Khloes first Christmas, i jump up and go to her nursery, I wake her up and pick her up "hey baby its your first christmas" i hold her up in teh sky making her laugh "m-mama" Then i feel arms wrapped around my waist "hows my 2 favourite girls" he asks a smile playing on his face " we are great,you ready to go down stairs?" he removes his hands from my waist and holds my hand "yep lets go"

We head downstairs to where my sister and parents are sitting on the sofa "hye guys, you ready for presents?" they all face me and reply with a nod.

We all laugh together and smile as we open the gifts from eachother. Now it is time for me to open Johnnys gift. He hands it to me with a big dorky smile, I unwrap it to reveal a small box.

In it was a necklace engraved with a 'k'. I tackle him with a hug " i love it " i give him a peck on the lips, this shocks my family "ill explain later" i giggle at their reaction slightly. Then it was time for me to give Johnny a gift. He opens it and widens it eyes. I gave him papers , papers that make me and Johnny to both have custody of Khloe he has been such a good dad and I appreciate it . " i love you so much" he pecks me on my lips and carries on to read the papers. "wait does this mean we are back together?"  he asks looking back at me, i look down to my feet, i couldnt tell if he wanted to get back together or not. i wnated to but it'll make it awkward if he doesnt. "em if you want to, you dont have to if you do not want, liek but you still see klo-" i began rambling he cuts me of by placing his lips on mine. "does that answer your question?" I nod and pull him in closer. We spend the remainder of the morning eating, talking, laughing and getting ready. 

 I know this is a very short story but I have been working on others. This is my first one, I will be releasing a epilogue  on there lives. I hope you have enjoyed it and will carry on reading my stories!!!!!!! <3

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