he gets served

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It was already 11 am, I had dressed Klo and me. I headed downstairs to see my mom with mer, Johnny's mom, " hey sweetie" she greeted me "hi mer," I replied " so John told me about Klo and that you are stopping him seeing her" those words shocked me, she came here just to stick up for Johnny. " that's not true, I did he is not aloud to take her by himself cause him and Nadia took her out yesterday and she came back with a bruise, so if he wants to see her either me maddie or my mom has to be there" she made an 'o' shape with her mouth " oh I see, I also came to see if you could come round for dinner and bring Khloe with you so the family can meet her" I just nodded and headed back upstairs to Khloe, I played with her the rest of the day then I realised the time and that I'm having dinner with the Orlando's. I decide on dressy-casual
Khloes outfit:

 I decide on dressy-casual Khloes outfit:

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Mackenzie's outfit

I thought we looked good

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I thought we looked good. I decided to take my car, I barely drive anymore I'm usually with someone else but not today.
I drive for about 20 minutes till I finally reach the Orlandos. I go up to the door and knock. I wait a couple seconds, Lauren then opens the door. " awww she looks so cute, come to auntie Lauren" she opens her arms and I pass her to Lauren and giggle. We stand there a couple minutes, Lauren was just awing over Klo, most of the time I just giggled of her reaction. Then Johnny approaches us and holds his arms out to have Klo, Lauren soon passes her to him and he walks towards the finding area where I see Nadia, I give her a glance and then look away. After 10 minutes Klo had been passed through out the family finally she came back to me. "So what is her full name" Lauren asks standing by me waiting for food to be done " Khloe Nicole Anne Orlando-Ziegler" her face. Tighten when she hears Anne " aww you amend her after my middle name?!" I giggle and respond "yeah"
"food is ready girls come sit down!" We head towards the table. I look around and see a high chair placed in between Nadia and Johnny and a chair next to Johnny for me " no- my daughter is not sitting there" I say looking towards Nadia " she is my child too" Johnny responds "yeah ok, when is her birthday?" I ask then he gets caught out " that's not my fault you never even told me about her" I'll give him that " ok but she is still not sitting next to her" I point towards Nadia and she gives me a death glare " yes she is, Nadia is going to be around a lot, like a second mom so suck it up or I'll go to court to make sure YOU never see her again" I am so angry " yeah and I'll win, because I am letting YOU see her and have contact, just not your abusive Girlfriend" I change my eye direction to look at mer " sorry mer but I'm not letting Klo sit there, she nods " dale place the high chair at the chair at the end so Johnny and Kenzie can have her" he nods and changes the chair i thank him and I place Klo in the high chair. We spend the night talking about Khloe and her life. " m-mama" everyone gasps and turns there head, I picked her up and give her a big hug with a smile across my face "good girl" I say still elated at her first word " I may not have told you about her but at least you were there for a first word" I direct towards Johnny " Yeah I know" he held out his arms and I passed her to him. He started playing with her while I just stared at how happy she was with him "d-da-da" my eyes widen and both of our smiles got even bigger. "Why don't we take a family photo of you guys" mer suggests, me and Johnny look towards each other and nod.
We stand up making our way to the garden. We stand together and Lauren takes the picture.

@kenzie: all I will ever need Liked by: Johnnyorlando, laurenorlando and 654 more likes Comments disabled

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@kenzie: all I will ever need
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Johnnyorlando: my little family ❤️ so glad my princess is in my life Liked by Kenzie, laurenOrlando and 788 others Comments disabled

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Johnnyorlando: my little family ❤️ so glad my princess is in my life
Liked by Kenzie, laurenOrlando and 788 others
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" aww you guys are so cute"  Lauren squeals, me and Johnny look over at eachother and just laugh
As time passed I was talking to mostly Lauren and mer while maddie was playing with Khloe. Johnny was in the other room sucking Nadia face of. He wants to be careful he might have 2 kids soon. Anyways, I was about to leave so I headed to the other room with Khloe in my arms. " when, I want to be khloes mum not that bitch?" I hear Nadia say "I'm going to call my lawyer tonight filing for custody and for you be appointed her adoptive mother" I was shocked by what they were planning. I grab Khloes and my stuff and run out of the house into my car. I dial my phone "hello, mr McKinney, I want to file a law suit against Nadia Turner and Johnny Orlando for abuse on my child, Johnny the father of the child will only be aloud to see her when I permit it and I'm present".....
I spent the rest of the night working on this with my lawyer. At 5 am we had finally mailed the signed documents forbidding Nadia to come near my child and for Johnny to come here without my permission.

After the files were mailed, I expected a reaction maybe a call but nothing yet . I spoke too soon. Incoming call from John

[what the hell mackenzie, what are these papers me and Nadia just got]

Well I'm presuming you know judging by your reaction

[i'll fight you on this]

Yeah and if you do I'm positive I will win and right now you are aloud contact but if you fight me on this you will never see her

[can you just tell me why]

You think I didn't hear you talking to Nadia yesterday how you were going to get custody of MY baby cause she wanted to be her mom

[you heard that]

Yes, yes I did

With that i hung up then I heard a knock at the door, I picked Khloe and headed down to where I saw Nadia at the door. I open it slightly still with the chain on. "She should be mine, I should be the mother of Johnny's child not you" oh my god she truly believe that " well your not" I slammed the door closed on her face.

The rest of the day I ignore the calls from Johnny.

I really felt bad for his family that I did this but they can see her any time but they cant let her see Johnny when I'm not there, and I know this sounds bad but I don't trust them to keep him away from her.

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