"Mom, I'm leaving. See you later!"

"Ok honey be careful!"

Isabella strode out the front door, closing it behind her and heading toward her mailbox. Next to the mailbox were her friends Gary and Danielle. She smiled.

They chatted for a bit, talking about their morning and the six hours of homework Gary's sister had for college.

Her stomach lurched when she saw the school. Colin Bradley was in that building. She'd had a crush on him since she began tutoring him in Geometry during their second quarter. He was improving gradually, thanks to her help.

In the corner of her eye she could see Gary and Danielle looking at each other. Gary decided it was a good idea to elbow his friend in the stomach. So he did.

"Ow! Gary, what was that for?" Isabella asked.

"Did you hear a thing I just said?"

She shrugged.

"Course not, probably thinking of The Great Colin Bradley. Again," he scoffed.


"It's cool. Anyway, my mom said yes to the movie night, so how's about five?"

The girls nodded. She was excited for movie night tonight. Last night she convinced her mom to let her go over and bring a few horror movies. Nicole liked horror movies and didn't let her daughter watch them often.

"Great, we can watch My Bloody Valentine! And Ten-Inch Hero!"

Danielle nodded enthusiastically, but Gary cringed.

"That movie sounds like a 'that's-what-she-said' joke."

I chuckled and a second later the bell rang.

"Ok guys see ya at lunch!" And Izzy made her way to first block.

First block went by smoothly. They had a discussion about The Book Thief, one of my Izzy's favorites. Then they had a quiet reading time for students to catch up on their reading homework.

Izzy was engrossed in Colin's movie review article. This week he decided to do his review on her favorite movie "Ten-Inch Hero". She was surprised by what he said:

"I decided this week to do a requested review on the movie "Ten-Inch Hero.' Or should I say 'Ten-Inch Loser'. I found the plot uninteresting and cliché. The whole thing felt fake and boring. It was unrealistic in my opinion. And the character's? Let's see: A teen mom, a whore, a virgin, a hippie sub shop owner, a witch, and a high school burnout with more artificial holes in his head than real ones. And the whole "don't judge by looks" and "express yourself" lesson was overrated.. But that's only my opinion. Check it out for yourself why I rate this movie a 1 out of 10.

See you next week Tree Hill High!"

Izzy laid the newspaper down on her desk softly and slow. She could feel the steam leaking from her ears. She was infuriated. He just bashed her favorite movie.

Dani met eyes with Izzy questioningly. Izzy mouthed "page three".

Dani immediately flipped her own newspaper to the page and caught eye of "Ten-Inch Hero; It is Not Worth Your Time".

Her glare mimicked her best friend's. She felt the same anger.

Isabella breathed in and out deeply for the remainder of the block before dashing out the door at the sound of the bell.

Her next block was study hall which she used to tutor Colin and do homework in the library. She was gonna confront Colin about his article review. She had told him about it during one of their sessions. And he agreed to watch it for another I.O.U.

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