840 hours.

50,400 minutes

3,024,000 seconds.

A month of school that felt entirely too long. Kids that don't care who you are until you step out of place, out of the mold. Teachers who only care how fast you can memorize all the presidents.

And then there's Izzy.

The next five weeks was just that.

The troublesome trio locker her in the auditorium until a janitor found her reading a book on the stage.

Since he could account for the locked doors and they could only lock from the outside, she was excuses from her missed classes. Her teachers weren't happy about it though. She couldn't care less.

When she got home Kevin had received a call from the school about the incident. He was a bit upset and worried.

Izzy and Kevin had become good friends. He had grown find of the small, tough girl. He knew how it felt to be picked on.

Izzy was in her room when Sam called.

"Hey Sam."

"Hey Izzy, how's school?"

"Good, I got an A+ on my Trig test."

That's great! What about your history project?"

"A. It would have been an A+ but my partner bailed halfway through our meet-up to go to some party."

"And you didn't go?"

She sighed, "No, I had stuff to do."

"Oh," was all he said.

"Well, I'm glad to hear everything is going well."

Isabella shifted slightly on her bed.

"So how's Dean?"

"Uh, yeah, he's good. He's driving right now or I'd put him on for you. We'll be back something tonight."

Oh, so they are coming home, Izzy thought.

"Oh, ok well, I'll see you then."

"'Kay bye."

He hung up.

Izzy felt odd. Dean was coming to the bunker. She hadn't seen him since their first encounter. She found herself smiling. Her dad was coming home.

The word "dad" tasted sour in her mouth in her mouth. Dean was her dad, of course, but it felt wrong to say.

Her homework was done and Isabella found herself tidying her room. The few tests she had gotten back were tacked to a bulletin board. Some of her drawings were among them too.

Happy with her work, she skipped down the bunker halls and discovered Kevin in the kitchen reading a newspaper, sipping a cup of cold coffee, unaware of her arrival.

"Hey Kevin."

He looked up at her and nodded. She rolled her eyes and bit into an apple on the counter.

She rolled the apple in her hand hesitantly.

"So Sam and Dean are coming soon," Kevin spoke dully.

Her ears perked at the brothers' names.

"Yeah, I know. Sam called me."

Sam called every other day to check up on them. They would talk about school and homework and books Isabella was reading. Sam was very intelligent.

Dean never called after the first.

And now he's showing up in a couple hours.

Dinner was microwave pizza and soda. Paper plates and solo cups. Practically uneventful, complete with some polite small talk. It was a routine they had settled into.

Izzy was putting her plate into the trash when a knock echoed throughout the bunker. Her heart started to speed up. This was it, she thought.

Kevin tramped up the bunker stairs sluggishly. His stomach must've been full. He disappeared through the door and giant laughter rang out.

Izzy bolted. Heaving through the halls, down stairs, and diving into her bedroom.

Her whole body was shaking in nervousness. She walked over to her desk and pulled out the chair and sat down. An unfinished piece lay waiting and inviting to her. The pencil in her hand shaded and pressed onto the paper. Distracted, Izzy focuses on the paper until she heard boots walking down the hallway outside.

She looked up expecting Dean.


She sighed in relief and a little disappointment.

"Hey kid. I missed you."

"Really?" she asked.


"Hmm," she hummed and stood from her chair.

Izzy too a few steps towards Sam, hesitantly opened her arm to Sam and hugged him tightly.

He chuckled at her awkwardness, in return wrapping his much longer and toned arms around her small frame, and rubbed circles into her back with his thumbs.

She pulled away from Sam with a big smile on her face. She liked Sam's hugs, albeit he is twice her height.

"You want to go see Dean now?"

She stiffened.

"Yeah," she choked out.

Sam gave her a questioning look. "Okay, well, he's in the library. So c'mon."

He waved his hand out the door and walked out.

Walking slow as possible behind Sam's towering figure, they made their way to the living room.

Dean was hunched over a bottle of bear. He was talking to Kevin. He hadn't seen her yet.

"Hey guys," Sam announced as he downed the stairs to the two men.

Dean's eyes landed first on Sam, but soon enough he got a look at Isabella and froze.

She breathed deeply, preparing for a blow of some sort.

He looked at her speculatively. His eyes were cynical and brooding. His expression was unreadable.

"Isabella," his voice was hoarse and gruff.


"Dean, I'm glad you're back. How was the hunt?"

He shrugged.

"Shapeshifter, nothing we couldn't handle."

Izzy nodded.

"Kev, I think I'm gonna head out now. I'll be back by nine."

Straightaway Dean rose out of his place, knocking the chair over with a loud bang. His beer teetered near the edge of the table.

"Hold on, where the hell do you think you're going?"

Izzy stopped, "The library?" Her words came out as a question, not having the usual confidence she expected.

"The hell you are."

"Why not?" Dean's mood was getting Izzy real agitated real fast.

"Because you're fifteen, you shouldn't be going out places by yourself. Especially at this time of night," Dean stated vehemently.

"But Dean-"

"I said no."

Izzy shook her head and dropped her bag at her feet and stormed off.

Her vision was clouded by threatening tears. She blinked them away.

The angry girl slammed the door to her room and leaned against the wood, taking a deep breath.

Izzy was confused and conflicted.

Dean was her dad, but he didn't act like one.



So updates :) yay

Hope y'all left it next chapter up sometime today DOUBLE UPDATES ARE AWESOME

anyone have any good Destiel suggestions?

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