"Are we there yet?"

"For the tenth time, no, we are not there yet!" Sam yelled.

Literally, all the teen had said the entire drive was "Are we there yet?" or "Where are we?". Sam was about to rip his long, luxurious hair out if this continued.

"We'll be there in about half an hour."

An empty silence fell onto the car.

"I bet you didn't expect Dean to have a kid, huh? Either of you."

Sam racked his brain for something to say.

"He already did." Shit nope, he wasn't supposed to say that.


"Mhm, yeah, he does. But he doesn't talk to him anymore."

"Him? So I have a half brother?"

"Yeah, I guess."

Sam looks at the girl in the passenger seat, looking deep in thought.

"Wow, um. I never thought I'd ever have a brother. Or siblings at all. My mom couldn't have any more kids after me. I assumed I was always gonna be an only child."

The younger Winchester nodded, not knowing what to tell her.

"What's his name?"


"Oh," she whispered.

"Why doesn't Dean talk to him anymore?"

He looked away.

"It's complicated."

The rest of the trip was filled with radio songs and boring small talk.

Sam pulled into the front of the bunker. He got out and watched as his niece shut her car door.

He stuffed his hand into his jacket pocket and pulled out the key.

He turned to Isabella.

"Ok, now, this is the only key to the bunker. You wake up, go to school, and you lock the door behind you. You come back home straight away, no detours, and when you get inside you re-lock it. Unless Kevin is here then you leave the key with him. If you need anything while we're gone call Garth at this number or Kevin at this number." Sam handed her two cards with names and numbers scribbled in Sam's chicken scratch.

She takes the cards into her hand. She stuffs them into her jacket pocket and nods. She walks towards the door.

Sam slides the key out of the box, and unlocks the door.

He hears a gasp.

Isabella's face lights up at the sight in front of her.

"This place is so cool!"

She grabs her guitar case and bolts down the stairs to explore the unfamiliar area.

Sam smiles a small smile and grabs her other cases following the sound of her pattering feet.

"Look at all these books. And the telescope! How did you find this place?" She asked me practically bouncing on her feet.

I let out a small laugh. "We were on a case and a witness had the key and gave it to us to destroy. But we didn't."

She smiles even bigger, if that's possible.


Sam turns to the sound of the voice, spotting Kevin with a coffee mug and a sandwich in his hands. He looked better since the last time they spoke.

"Kevin, hey," he motions to Isabella," this is Isabella."

She waves at the Asian boy curiously.

"Isabella this is Kevin, a friend of ours. He's a prophet. He's staying here with us."


Kevin stared in confusion.

"I'll explain later Kevin. +Izzy? I'm gonna show you where we are gonna put your stuff."

Sam grabbed her cases and led her to the same wing Dean had his room.

They walked in and Izzy set the stuff in her hands down. The small girl walks over to the soft bed and plops down ungracefully.

Inspecting the room, she nods.

"I like it."

Sam takes a breath, "Ok well, I'll let you get settled. I'm gonna talk to Kevin for a bit."

He walks out and closes the door, leaving the wing.

Standing in the kitchen, coffee still in hand, was Kevin.

He chews his sandwich and swallows the bite.

"Who is she? And why is she here?"

Sam sighs heavily.

"That's Dean's kid, Isabella."

The prophet's eyes widen noticeably.

"Dean's kid?"

"Yeah, one of his flings from a case with Dad before he died, and she found us."

"So she's staying here?"

"Yes, and," Sam points to the scholar, "you, are gonna watch her when we're gone. Pick her up from school and stuff."

"School? Isn't that a bit risky? Even for Winchesters?"

Sam gives him his best bitchface.

"Dean and I went to school when our dad was on hunts. She only stays if she keeps out of trouble. So look out for her."

"Why me?"

"Because you're here," Sam says firmly.

Kevin doesn't say anything else, his new job clouding his mind.

Isabella walks into the quiet room, washed up and changed.

"I'm done. So now what?"

Sam takes a swig of his cheap beer from the fridge.

"Well, I'm gonna call the school tomorrow about getting you enrolled. You'll start Monday most likely. Then I'll drive back to Dean and finish up there while Kevin stays here with you."

"So you're not gonna stay? You're just gonna drop me off at the damn babysitter and leave?" she growled.



"Hey I'm doing the best I can. Dean's already pissed at the whole situation. I'm just trying to do damage control." Sam jogs up the stairs, one hand on the handle. "Now what do you want from McDonald's?"

She shrugs, "A milkshake and some fries please."

He nods, shutting the big ass door behind him.


A/N so chappie four YAY GO NO CABLE OR WIFI


love you lovelies💕

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