Chapter 6

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During the same night, Bakugo spots himself on the ledge of his cave, looking out into the entire valley, viewing the forest gradually darkening as the sun was slowly setting behind him. He actually enjoys sitting there, with his legs dangling over the mountain cliff, feeling the smooth, cool wind breathing through his face every night.

His eyes scan the forest and eventually notices a bunch of little faded out lights scattered around. He identifies it as one of the villages, specifically the village that Ochako probably lives in. Bakugo's eyes start to relax, his gaze staring at one certain flickering ray of lights, letting out a soft, deep breath.

After a few long minutes, Bakugo's gaze was suddenly thrown off from his dragon laying down behind him, kind of like a dog sleeping. It made both the ground and Bakugo shift up.

"Fucking really?" Bakugo hisses behind him.

The immense dragon only lets out a sharp exhale through his nose, keeping his eyes closed.

Bakugo sighs and finds the village lights again, leans back, and places his palms face down on the ground behind him. "God damnit, Round-face." Quietly growling to himself. He shakes his head and takes a glimpse up towards the night sky. The millions of little tiny bright dots all over the sky somewhat reminded him of her eyes. That Ochako's eyes had that slight sparkle when she was staring at him when he quickly approached her about the clothes earlier that day.

He knew it was noticeable that she was obviously staring at him at that moment, but maybe, just, maybe, he might of did the same. Her eyes were always so big, the color of honey, gentle, and sweet. Her face was so round, her cheeks looking so soft, it made him want to just softly touch them. Her lips – "Fuck!" Bakugo yelled out. "No!"

"I'm the fucking Dragon King, I can't let this stupid ass shit get in the fucking way." He argued with himself. "I have better things to do."

Bakugo quickly got up from the ledge and stomped over to his cave. He laid down on his pile of animal fur he calls a bed and looks straight up towards the cave ceiling. He slightly hoped that she wouldn't go out into the forest alone like that again, especially at night. He regretted letting her leave that night during the storm. If he wasn't there fucking watching her, she would have really died out there. He wanted to be the one to protect her, to save her, to take care of her, carry her to safety if she was ever in trouble again.

He didn't want her to go home to that stupid fucking village, because he knew that shitty Deku was there. Bakugo yelled in frustration and let out an explosion from the palms of his hands. Everything fell over and knocked over to the ground. His dragon shot up and immediately stuck his head inside the cave to see what's wrong. "It's nothing, idiot!" Bakugo howled. His dragon didn't seem surprised and casually rolled back up and went back to sleep outside. Bakugo then rolled to his side, scoffed, and went to sleep.

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