Intrusion on the perfect moment. (Not a lemon)

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You drift back awake slowly, warmth wrapped around you. It takes you a moment to realise why you are so warm, then you hear it, a deep sigh. You open your eyes to be met with Grillby gazing down at you, a gentle smile on his face. He moves his hand from your waist for a moment, brushing a piece of hair behind your ear as he says,
"Good morning my dear." He says, his deep voice seemingly echoing in your soul. You smile back at him.
"Good morning Grillby." He leans over slightly and gives you a gentle kiss, speaking softly to you he says,
"How did you sleep? Because you look quite marvellous when you're peacefully slumbering." Before you have the chance to answer him, the bedroom door bursts open, you both look over in shock to see Sans at the door, his smile still plastered on his face but, you can feel the rage emanating off of him, more than normal.
"i fucking knew it you lying bastards. you two will be lucky if i don't tell papyrus about this. you have exactly thirty seconds to explain yourselves." He says in an authoritarian manner, blackmailing you with the power he has over you both at that moment. Grillby pipes up quite quickly, unafraid of Sans' threats, just wanting him to get out of his bedroom.
"What is there to explain Sans? I'm sleeping in the same bed as my girlfriend who also happens to work at my bar. I'm allowed to have a girlfriend." A smirk grows on Grillby's face. Which immediately dies down as Sans shoots back;
"not her you're not. (y/n) lives under our roof, which means that she follows our rules. no boyfriends and no sleeping with other monsters till she lives in another home. she knows the rules. (y/n), get up and get your clothes on, i'll be waiting outside for you. you have five minutes or i'm telling papyrus." Without another word Sans teleports away, you move to get up like he instructed, feeling a pair of strong arms keeping you in the bed.
"G-Grillby, you heard him... I gotta get up now." You say looking over at him, realising that he wasn't going to let you go.
"Let Sans wait for as long as he likes, you don't have to go if you don't want to."
"Yes I do Grillbs. He's going to tell Papyrus if I don't get up now."
"Let him. What's the worst Papyrus can do?"
"If we're lucky, he'll kick me out of the house. The more likely option is that he'll kill both of us."
"I won't let anyone lay a finger on you I promise and, let him kick you out. Who cares?"
"I do Grillb. If I get kicked out. I don't have a home to go to anymore." Grillby stays silent for a moment at your words, pulling you in closer to his chest, waiting a moment before leaning in and whispering to you.
"You could always stay with me if you needed to. Then I could protect you and always have you by my side." You stop for a moment just taking in his scent, like a wood log fire, comforting and warm. "You don't have to say anything (Y/n), you don't have to stay here right now if you really don't want to. I'm not going to be mad if you want to go back home with Sans. I'm not going to leave you. So if you're not ready, I understand but, the offer is there. You can choose to stay here in bed with me or you can go out into the cold to meet up with Sans." His grip releases on you, allowing you to make a choice, letting you get up if that is what you chose to do but, instead you just let out a soft giggle and look up at him,
"Well then get your arms back around me. I'm getting cold already!" You give Grillby a smug smirk and he leans in and gives you another soft kiss, wrapping his strong arms around you, keeping you warm and toasty and, for just a moment, you forget about Sans waiting outside for you, you forget about your responsibilities today and, most importantly, you forget about the struggles you've had in your life up to that moment, everything just slipped away and all that was left was the feeling of you being wrapped up in Grillby's arms. You felt safe, warm and comfortable, even if it was just for a moment, you knew that this was where you wanted to be and, you knew that this was the only place where you needed to stay.

Then, as if he could never just leave you alone with your thoughts, Sans bursts back in.
809 words. 20 minutes. Just kinda felt in the mood to write another chapter. I'm always reading and answering as many comments as I can and, someone in the comments of my writers block post complimented me recently. That just really inspired me to give this a try, sorry if it's not really any good, I just kinda tried to write anything, still kinda have writers block.
As always feel free to leave a comment about anything eg,
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