Chapter 8: Checking in

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"Dreams About Vomiting – Interpretation and Meaning. ... If you dream about vomiting, it means that you would like to remove someone/ something from your life. Normally this is referring to the person who is vomiting. even if it is yourself,"

I didn't get much sleep that night, I was overthinking that silly little dream I had. I woke up and rubbed my head, then proceeded to roll over and look at the clock I had on my bedside table. It read "8:47 AM".
Not too bad, I suppose. I only slept in a little.
I got out of bed and changed into my clothes, brushed my hair, and went into the living room. I wasn't that hungry so I ended up just turning on the TV and hoping something entertaining would be on.
Instead, I was greeted with the Alolan news. The show was pretty boring, just talking about how hot it was and such. After awhile of being bored and only listening to half of what the reporters were saying, I heard a female reporter mention team skull.

"A gang by the name of 'team skull' was caught trying to steal Pokémon from Akala island!"
Said the woman on the screen in a way too happy tone.
"Trial Captain Mallow is still shaken, but luckily all her Pokémon are safe!"
I turned off the tv and zoned out into thought.
Team skull, huh?. I should probably check up with guzma before he thinks I've completely abandoned my mission.
I got up and grabbed my bag, then went out the door and sent out my ride charizard. I flew to Po Town and got off, in search of Guzma.

~~~~Small time skip brought to you by yours truly, Taru~~~~

I found him in his room, half asleep on that fat dusty chair that he calls his "throne". He looked at me expectantly for a moment.
"Gladion. How's the mission doing?"
Well hello to you too, Guzma..
"Doing all right, I suppose.."
"Good. Plumeria said she saw you and the champion in a field the other day, so I assume that's making progress?"
Oh god.. what exactly DID plumeria see?.
"Er, yes boss.."
"Great! I had a feeling you'd say that, but I don't want you to take his slowly for much longer. You have 3 weeks left to complete the assignment,"
What even?! I'm getting too attached to him, aren't I.. and the way we acted to intimate yesterday.. that only means..
Guzma gave me an odd look, then waved his hand signaling me to leave. I walked out of the house, and ended up sitting on the curb in front of it to think.
I've been feeling so odd, and haven't made nearly any progress on my mission.. I've been enjoying his company since I met him. Bleh! I sound so cheesy.. but. Lately I noticed something-
I really do love Hau.
That moment when I kissed him.. I don't know why I even did it, then went waltzing off.. why am I such a mess?.

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