Chapter 1: The Competition

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"Way to go, Bailey!"

"Increíble, Bailey!"

"Nice one, Cousin!"

Bailey smiled with pride at his friends cheers. He and Aztec just completed a perfect jumping round.

"Good boy, Aztec!" Bailey patted his bay stallion.

Aztec whinnied and tossed his head in appreciation.

"That's enough practice for today," Will announced to the riders, " We'll start again bright and early tomorrow, so we can be ready for the competition in a few days."

The kids could hardly contain their excitement. The Junior National Jumping Championship was the biggest jumping competition of the year! Horseland has never gotten to compete before, but this year, they've gotten enough points to participate.

"At this rate, the horses will just fly over the course and not do any jumping at all!" Molly joked, which caused everyone to laugh uncontrollably.

Will chuckled, "That's a nice thought, Molly, but we still have a ton of practicing to do before the big day. Now, let's get these horses rubbed down and fed.


Back at the stable, everyone was heading out for the night. Bailey and Will stayed in the stable, however. Since they were the ones that lived at Horseland, they always stayed later than the others. After they checked everything for the night, both boys went to spend a little more time with their horses.

"Hey, Aztec!" Bailey called to his horse as he approched his stall.

Aztec whinnied in greeting. Bailey dug an apple out of his pocket and gave it to Aztec.

"Here you go, boy," Bailey said as Aztec chewed loudly, "You've earned it."

Will walked out of Jimber's stall and reached to pet his horse.

"Goodnight, Jimber," Will said as he petted his palomino, "See you in the morning."

Will turned to walk toward Aztec's stall to talk to Bailey.

"You comin' Baily?" Will asked.

Bailey continued petting Aztec.

"In a minute, Will," Bailey replied, "Just give us a little longer."

Will smiled. In his opinion, Bailey loved Aztec more than any of the other riders loved their horses. They worked the hardest too.

"You and Aztec did a great job today," Will said.

"Thanks, Will," replied Bailey, "Aztec's the one who deserves all the credit, though. He's the best horse in the world!"

Will chuckled, "Well, maybe 'the best horse in the world' should get some sleep. C'mon, let's get some shut-eye too."

Baily smiled, "All right," he said as he patted Aztec one last time, "Goodnight, big guy. see you tomorrow!"

Aztec watched as Bailey and Will left the stable, until a disapproving snort from Chili brought him to attention.

"'Best horse in the world?! I don't think so!" Chili shook his head, "Bailey shouldn't forget that Chloe and I won half of the competitions last year, so if there is going to be a best horse in the world, it's gonna be me."

Calypso rolled her eyes, "Oh, give us a break, Chili! You and Chloe haven't practiced half as hard as Aztec and Bailey have!"

Scarlet nodded in agreement, "Yeah. If anyone from Horseland is going to win the competition, it'll be Aztec."

Aztec blushed, " Aw, you guys! You've worked just as hard as I have."

"That's not true, Aztec!" Button shook her head, "We've seen you and Bailey get up early every morning and put in some extra practice time before anyone else! You're sure to do the best in Horseland."

Aztec laughed, "It doesn't really matter who wins. As long as we all do our best, that's all that really counts."

Chili snorted and turned away, "Hmph! Easy for you to say!"

Aztec sighed and shook his head. He admits that he and Bailey have been putting in a lot of practice time lately. Maybe too much. He's starting to feel more tired than usual, but he and Bailey have been preparing for this competition for weeks!

Sighing, Aztec yawned and lied down. He hoped all this extra practicing would pay off.

Here it is! My first Horseland story! I've had this idea for a while now, and Aztec my favorite horse in Horseland. So, Hope you like it! <3


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