Chapter 4: Don't Let it Show

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What's up y'all? I'm just getting back into the swing of things, starting with this story. Spirit: A New Beginning is going to need some work, as I'm planning to re write basically the whole thing lol. I apologize for my very long lack of motivation!

Aztec could hardly bear it! As soon as Bailey and the others left, he collapsed into the bedding of his stall. This time, Button was the first to pipe up.

"Aztec, you need to let Bailey know you're sick! You can't keep faking it!"

Aztec rolled his eyes.

"I'm sure it's just a 24-hour thing," Aztec wheezed, "All I need is rest, I'll be fine!"

"Don't bother, Button," Chili snorted, "If he wants to kill himself, then let him. We've done all we could do."

No one else said anything.


Aztec woke to the sound of a car engine. The kids were leaving to help set up for the competition.

'Good', Aztec thought, 'No one will suspect anything'

But then he heard the barn door open. He immediately struggled to stand up to see who it was.

Chloe and Zoey were standing in the entrance.

"Hey guys," Chloe said, " We're staying to take care of things here."

"Looks like we couldn't get out of work after all," Zoey rolled her eyes, "Now we're going to be unwashed farmhands."

"Well you were the one who told Will we didn't want to go, and now look where that got us!" Chloe accused.

"Did not!"

"Did so!"

Despite his pain, Aztec chuckled slightly. Chloe and Zoey could be so clueless at times. They wouldn't suspect a thing.

Chloe and Zoey first started by feeding and watering the horses. When they weren't looking, Aztec buried his food in the straw. He looked at his water. He would drink a little, just because his throat was so dry. He took a sip, and stifled a groan. It hurt so much to swallow!

As soon as everyone was finished eating, the girls turned the horses out to pasture, so they could muck out the stables.


"How are we feeling today, Aztec, ol' boy?" Chili asked amusingly.

"Just fine," Aztec held his head up, "I told you it was just a 24 hour-" He stopped abruptly as he broke out into a violent coughing fit, and struggled to catch his breath.

"That cough says otherwise," Scarlet said flatly.

Chili walked over to put his muzzle on Aztec.

"You're hotter that you were yesterday!" Chili said alarmed.

"Thanks," Aztec grinned before he broke into another fit.

"That's not funny, Aztec!" Calypso shouted, "You can't go on like this!"

"She's right, Aztec," Shep walked up to them before Aztec could say anything, "I could smell your fever from a mile away. You're going to end up being seriously ill or worse if you don't get help soon!"

"I'll get help as soon as I win the competition."

"You're not going to win anything in your condition!" Scarlet said, "Please, just let Chloe and Zoey help you!"

Aztec snapped,

"They're going to have to figure it out for themselves! I'm not admitting to anything, and don't you all say anything either! Bailey and I have worked too hard to drop out now, and I'm not going to disappoint him!"

Aztec stormed off. He stood in the far corner of the pasture and sighed. His head and chest were killing him! Each minute it was getting more difficult to breath. He had chills and was exhausted. Deep down, he knew his friends were right. He can't go on like this, but he just had to win this competition for Bailey! He had to! Aztec couldn't bear the thought of letting him down! Still, he needed to save his strength for the big day. So, he laid down and slept until later that evening, when they were brought back into the stable.


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