Chapter 2: Practice, Practice, Practice!

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Aztec woke to the sound of the barn door opening. He got up and looked towards the sound. There was Bailey, standing at the door's entrance. As he walked toward his stall, Aztec looked outside. It was barely the crack of dawn. Aztec stifled a yawn. This was earlier than usual for their extra practice time, but he couldn't complain about being more prepared than the others.

"Mornin' Aztec," said Bailey as he put the halter on his horse's head, "Ready to kick some tail today?"

Aztec forced out an enthusiastic nicker. He was so tired, but he couldn't show it! Aztec couldn't let Bailey down, so he just went with the flow.


After they finished tacking up, Bailey led Aztec to the arena, where they started their warm-up. Bailey walked, trotted, and cantered Aztec a couple times around the ring. Then, they completed a series of small jumps. After this, Bailey slowed Aztec down.

"Woah, boy," Bailey pulled on the reins, "Good warm-up, Aztec! Let's get you some water, then we can start."

Bailey led Aztec to the water trough. As usual, Shep, Teeny, and Angora were watching along the fence line. They walked up to Aztec as he drank and sat down next to him.

"Morning, Aztec," Shep greeted the horse, "Bit early, isn't it?"

Aztec raised his head, "Bailey and I need the extra practice time, so we can be ready for the competition. I think it's really paying off."

"You know, Aztec," Shep said, " There is such a thing as too much practicing. You need to let yourself rest and recuperate before you can compete, or else you'll be too tired to do well."

Aztec snorted angrily, "What do you know about it, Shep? You've never competed a day in your life! Bailey and I are going to win this thing, and I can't do it when I'm just lounging around all day! Now, if you'll excuse me, here comes Bailey. We've got a competition to win."

Aztec then turned away in a huff, with Bailey on his back. Shep shook his head and sighed. Teeny bounced around Shep, excitedly.

"I don't understand, Shep," said Teeny, "Why does Aztec want to practice so much?"

"Because, Teeny," Shep answered, "He thinks that if he stops practicing, then he won't do well in the competition. So, he works as hard as he can to satisfy himself and to please Bailey, but It never seems like enough."

Teeny still looked confused, "But, doesn't he ever get tired?"

"Of course he does," Shep replied, "But sometimes horses can be as stubborn as mules."

"Oh please!" Angora rolled her eyes, "If he wants to do extra practice, I say let him do whatever makes him feel ready! Let him impress his owner. You worry too much, Shep."

Shep sighed, "Well, maybe you're right."


A few hours later, it was time for actual jumping practice. All of the horses were refreshed and ready to start a new day. Everyone except Aztec. He was still exhausted from this morning's private training. Aztec didn't know if he could make it through today's practice too, but he had to keep going! He was going to make sure that he and Bailey were going to win, and beat Chili in the process! Aztec laughed to himself. He couldn't wait to see the look on Chili's face when he wins the whole thing.

Aztec's thoughts were interrupted when Will said that he and Bailey would go first. Bailey clucked to Aztec and they went forward.

Aztec broke into a canter as they approached the first jump. All of a sudden, the jump looked much bigger than it was, and the first rail came clattering down. Aztec looked back in shock, then brought his attention back forward.

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