Chapter Five

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I wasnt sure how long I had slept. Heck it could have been days but what would it matter anyways? Ive been in this stable for years what made me think it would change? 

My luck would surely run out. I had done the wrong thing speaking to the prince and shifting in front of him. But until I get used to my human body i'm stuck.

A red roan mare was stalled next to me sometime during my sleep. She looked highly unpleasant, her coat was groomed to perfection her mane and tail brushed to the point I doubt it had ever been tangled in her life. 

Now dont get me wrong, most horses dont have bad personalities but I had a funny feeling this one would. What was it about palace horses that made them that way...

I got up on wobbly legs. "Im as unsteady as a new born foal," I thought to myself. The feeling of sawdust flakes stuck to my sides made me itchy. I shook every bit I could from my dappled coat and rubbed up against the wall.

Snorting I stuck my head out over the stall door. There down the aisle of the barn sat a guard in a wooden chair. It looked to be as if he was widdling something out of wood.

My curiousity got the best of me and I whinnied softly, loud enough to be heard however.

His head turned my way and I noticed a scar starting from the corner of his eye down to the middle of his cheek, not just a thin line, a simply wound. It had to be painful to receive. Maybe from a sword or another weapon?

I watched his nostrils flare slightly and he got up. The knight, guard, or whatever he was- stuffed his widdling tool and block of wood into his pouch he had around his waist.

"My god, and here I thought ye' all had gone exstinct." As I caught his scent I noticed it was different, musky. My ears strained forward as I listened for his approach. He was quite, his foot steps like he wasnt even there.

"All lass, what have ye gotten yerself into. If I knew ye was in here earlier I would have rescued ye." He grabbed onto my halter,when did that get there? And rubbed the side of my face. The man smelled dangerous in a way. Like the way a predator does when its slowly stalking its prey. However I did not get that vibe from this man, he was much too kind.

I tried questioning him with my eyes, maybe he would get the meaning. "My name is Thomas, Im a wolf sweet heart. And ye look to be a long way from yer home." I rolled my eyes. No kidding, I thought to myself.

He seemed well enough, I could certainly tell he wasnt from around here. His irish accent was think and percurliar. But stil unique.

"Would ye like to be brushed sweety?" I tossed my head and nickered. As much as getting brushed by this strange man would be, i'd rather be clean than anything else.

The knight grinned and stepped away from the stall. I kept my head peaked out over the top and watched him go grab a bucket, rag, and some brushes and pics of different sorts.

As he made his way back, he opened my stall and left it slightly adjar. I lipped at his shoulder in gratitude. "Can you shift my dear? It would be pleasant to talk to ye and ye could wash easier." The question caused me to lower my head.

"No? Well it's okay." He grinned and got the cloth damp. "Lets clean off yer face then shall we?" He set his helmet down in my feed bucket along with some of his packs and pouches.

His gentle touched calmed me it made me feel better then I had in ages. For once I was at peace.

"What the hell do you think your doing?!" And there Prince Alex stood looking like he was about to blow a gasket.



Devon, who claimed he was Aria's brother had explained to me that he ended up seperated from their parents also. That during a raid on their lands Devon ended up running from a group of what he called Rogue wolves, whatever that had meant. He told me too that his dad was a leader of their kind, and Aria was a princess. I don't even think she knew that. Devon told me so many things. How there are herd,pack,pride, flock and many more kindss of leaders, and how most shifters are common but there are few horse shifters left.

The Kings Squire begged me to take him to his sister. And after he had explained many upon many things about their lives to me, I realized they were not demons or devils of any kind. And when I thought of Aria I regretted it imediately. I was rude when I should have stayed and listened to her. But then Devon had said she was so young she didn't have the immediate facts. 

I asked him why didnt his folk have others guarding her. Devon had frowned and just said it was difficult to explain. He even had worked incredibly hard to be a kings squire so he could make a good lump sum of money

Anyways we were now on our way to the stables. Aria needed to see I wouldnt hurt her now. It just freightened me when she had turned like that. My step-mother always talked about things like that. And how all the evils in the world are hidden in people in ways I would never understand.

"My sister, has she been treated well?" Devon asked lightly, afraid to know what I would say I suppose.

"Of course. The only thing the people here have kept from her, is running. She has been stalled so long..." I trailed off.

I instantly regretted teling him that the moment his face became furious. "Humans." He spat and clenched his fists.

I decided just to keep quiet until we reached her stall. Some of the horses poked their heads out as we walked by. Patting their noses, I took a deep breath to soothe my nerves at seeing Aria again.

When we stoped in front of her stall I noticed her door slightly adjar.

"What the hell do you think your doing?!" I shouted at one of the familar knights who was currently brushing through Aria's mane.

"What does it look like im doin ye fool." He muttered under his breath. At a moments notice he popped his head up staring at Devon.

"Damn there is two of ye? I'm one lucky wolf. This is incredibly rare." Thomas murmured and patted Aria's side.

Devon stepped forward. "Wolf. Would you so kindly step back from my sister." His calm voice made me shutter. The power lurking underneath it was awkward from the young adult. He didn't look like he would be able to handle his own but hell. What would I know.

Aria was having a hard time understanding what was going on. Her head whipped back and fourth to whoever was speaking. I noticed though she had her ears cocked toward Devon.

When Devon and the wolf started arguing I seen little shimmers around Aria before her body quietly jerked and transformed. In less then a blink of an eye, instead of a horse a girl stood in her place. That was going to take a while before I got used to it.

"Stop fighting please." Everyone turned to stare at her.



When everyone turned to stare at me I felt highly uncomfortable. Of course it could be partially that well... I was nude, actually that was the whole reason.

"Here ye go lassy," Thomas's eyes crinkled in amusement as he handed me his cloak.

"Thank you." I murmured and let my eyes drop. I flinched when I felt arms go around me.

"Good lord little sister, you dont know how much i've missed you!" The thought of being back with my brother had me in tears. I wobbled in his arms and he held me steady.

"Mom?" I peaked at him through my lashes. "Dad?"

Devon sighed. "I havent seen them in a couple years."

I think those words were not something I needed to hear. If I was crying bad before it was even worse now.

"Oh dear lassy." Thomas gently laid his hand on my shoulder and squeezed. I removed myself from Devons grasp and went to Thomas.

His warm embrace was comforting.

"She can't stay here lads. If queen bitc...." Thomas trailed off and looked hard at the others. Devon nodded with a stern expression and Alex looked horribly confused.

I didnt want to know.

"Well ye laddies and lass!" Thomas clasped his hands together and winked at me. "Pack yer things. It's about to get interesting."

My life was about to change. Whether for the good or bad. I had no idea.

(So guys this is pretty much just a filler. Like and comments are appreciated greatly! Love all my fans lol!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2014 ⏰

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