Chapter Two

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Spurs were dug roughly into my sides. The cold iron of the bit was a harsh reality of what was to come. When I was younger I had silently agreed  to myself that no man would ever put a saddle on me and mount.But it had come down to that.

12 years after I had been captured I had seen many things. None of them were very good. Brother had tried to sneak in multiple times disguised as a human boy, and when the guards caught him trying to get in my stall more than once..... Well I havent seen my beloved older brother since. I some how knew my parents were still out there waiting for me to return to them.

But now after someone had finally gotten around to doing something to the spotted horse they thought 'old' I cant say that I liked the results. The girth was tightly strapped around my stomach pinching my skin in some places. The man that rested above me had a firm hand. I tossed my head and shuddered underneath of him. I had never liked this man nor enjoyed his presence. For I sensed the horses afraid of him. But with a young mind like mine I wouldnt be controlled by this..human.

Shifting my weight back as I reared didnt seem to knock him off balance the least bit. instead the grip of the reins tightened and my nose was forced to my chest. I let out a squeal and pivioted on light hooves he cracked the whip against my side twice. Throwing my weight forward I used every trick I could think of to rid myself of this rider. Only when he smacked my flanks with something hard did I stutter to a stop. The blow was stinging and my nostrils flared out. I wasn't used to harshness. I wasnt used to touch, I had sat in the stables for 12 useless years. 12 years that could have been spent with me family as are human selves. 

Instead i'm stuck here as a horse. Never getting attention. Never let out in the pasture. Until the kings's oldest boy a little older than i am, ordered his men to saddle up the black and white mare. Now here I am with this leather piece of equipment on my back. His spurs dug roughly in my sides again and i walked on. I wasnt much of a fighter. In fact I have began to loathe humans with such a hatred for this has been the first time...the very first time! I have been let out of that stables since my arrival.

My head drooped in surrender. What was the point in fighting? I was outside the stables. I wasnt a kings horse. I was nothing to them except horse flesh.

"Shes not a feisty horse now is she my Prince?" The warrior upon my back spoke to Alex, the kings son. I hadnt even realized that the boy was watching from afar. For some reason this made me angry. My ears flattening back against my head.

"Shes an older horse." Alex shurgged, "That is to be expected of her." He had a look of boredom on his face. "Step down Markus. I want to test her myself." The boys eyes ran over my body checking muscle depth and tone. 

"Be careful M'Lord." The brute swung down off of my back and gripped the reins while the young King grabbed a fistful of my mane and swung up. Not bothering to use stirups, he was one who didnt use an awful crop or spurs. 

He let his hand run over my neck. "A little fleshy but after we work on her she will be a good muscular horse." 

This boy was starting to get on my nerves. 

He clicked his tongue for me to walk on.

I was curious and I did want to know where we were going so for the time being I was going to be on my best behavior. When we started to reach the tree line my ears perked and I pulled against his hold on the reins. My parents farm was on the other side of these woods. I remembered.It wasnt a want. I needed to go see them. 

The clattering on hooves assulted my ears. The princes guards rode up beside of us and moved in. I was a strange horse to these other beasts. They kept a weary eye on me.

"Where are you headed my young prince." One of the princes personal guard members I had never seen before asked. 

"To the forest trails. Just to see how this mare does. I dont see why father kept a horse and never used it." He shrugged. "Seems pointless."

I felt his grip on the reins tighten slightly and his heels gave a firm kick to my belly.

The feeling of his weight on my back was odd. Especially since I had not stretched my legs in years. 

Once I got the feeling down I began to trot faster. Then that turned into a canter. And before long I was galloping again. The breeze throwing my mane back and making me feel invincible. I was the happiest I had been in a long time until the bit was tugged back against my mouth. I cursed the cold iron object but didnt slow down. 

I knew how close we were to my parents farm. It excited me. Made me even more ancy. I began to raise my legs higher. Stretch my whole body out. The other horses though, I noticed, kept an even pace with me. Obviously I was out of shape but I was out! Actually outside the stables!

 Only when his tug on my mouth became harsh did I dare slow down. But I wasnt about to give up with out a fight. I gave a little buck and pinned my ears tightly against my head.  Straining my neck against his pull.

"Whoa you stubborn headed fool." He spat and jerked my head sideways. I had no choice to slow down and make tight circles. 

I was so close to home. But not quite there. What on earth could I do to ever get home again?

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