Bat-Family Headcanons and Imagines

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Just a load of Bat-Family related stuff because I'm obsessed with them :))). Title is pretty self explanatory, so if you love the Bats and love seeing them be happy since DC clearly doesn't plan on letting that happen any time soon, read away.

Disclaimer: I feel like everyone should know this, but in case for some odd reason you thought I created and own the Bat-Family characters, I would like to emphasise that I do not. All credits go to DC for that.

Author's Note:

Hello wonderful people of Wattpad. If you're reading this, it probably means you are probably as obsessed with this family as they are with their Bat Symbols. 

I can only ask that you do not copy my work, please and thank you. Other than that, enjoy reading about how I imagine our Batsy friends like to spend their time. 

- pizza_loving_weirdo

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