Headcanon: Birthdays

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The image above doesn't really have anything to do with this chapter, I just thought it was funny. Anyways, moving on. With a family as big as the Bat Family, birthdays can get pretty chaotic. However, I don't think anyone realizes just how chaotic... 

Bruce- Bruce always tries to avoid mentioning anything about his birthday. However, the family will not allow it. "What do you want for your birthday, Bruce?" *While struggling to hold Damian from stabbing Tim* "A day in damn peace would be nice." The Bat Family always comes together on this day (forced by Alfred) and throws him a small party. Small meaning you can bet your ass there will be a hole in the wall by the end of it. However, at the end of the day, Bruce will take a slice of cake and go to his parents grave, just to reminisce on old memories of his younger birthdays.

Barbara- She won't exactly openly speak of her birthday, but instead just drop subtle hints through tech. Subtle meaning that she overrides Dick's phone so that her birthday date flashes on the screen for like, five seconds, before everything goes back to normal. No one would dare forget her birthday in fear of her wrath, but she still spends most of the day with her dad.

Dick- He just tells people. "Hey, Dami, guess what?" "What do you want?" "Do you know what's coming up in three months, two weeks, five days, twenty minutes, and thirty seconds?" *Damian spends a second to calculate it* "Grayson if you mention your birthday to me one more time, I will choke you with a gift ribbon." The whole family always arranges a party with the Justice League and Titans in the end.

Jason- He sucks at birthdays. Jason has never been a big fan of birthdays, and tends to always forget them. This leads to his siblings making fun of him like hell about it. "Hey, Jay, what day is it?" "Uh, I don't know, Tuesday?" *Everyone looking shocked, while Steph leans over to Tim* "Did he really just say it's fucking Tuesday?" *Tim nodding slowly in disbelief* "The worst part is, it's not even Tuesday. It's Friday." As much as he tries to get out of it, Roy, Kori, Bizzaro, and Artemis all work together in dragging him to the Manor for his party.

Tim- Tim was kind of chill about his birthday. He would casually slip it into a conversation every now and then, but that was about it. Of course, Stephanie tried to plan a surprise party for him, but, c'mon, Second Greatest Detective here. He knew about it the moment she started planning, but acted surprised just to please her.

Steph- Very subtle about it. Not. This girl will literally go into a perfectly silent room, bring out a fucking microphone, and scream, "AUGUST 11, AND DON'T YOU DARE FORGET IT," and just calmly leave while everyone looks scared shitless. Will literally help plan her own surprise party, then act surprised just for the hell of it.

Cass- Cassandra didn't understand the concept of birthdays when Dick and Steph first told her about it. Being raised with little emotion, she never had any celebrations of any kind. Obviously, her first year in the Manor, everyone went all out to give her that Wayne family experience. Bruce even had a dance room added in the Manor as a gift.

Duke- Being the only sane and normal one of the family, Duke just assumed his birthday would be a cake, some presents, and day with his family. Yeah, not even close. In order to welcome him to the family, Dick decided it appropriate to invite pretty much the entire vigilante and superhero population. One of the worst ideas he's ever had. Alfred still finds different heroes bunking in the Manor.

Damian- Like his father, Damian doesn't mention his birthday, since he feels it makes him sound whiny and seeking attention. Growing up in the League, Damian never celebrated any holidays, but his birthday was always something Talia made sure to address. Damian's lack of mentioning his birthday, however, led to the family not knowing when it was at all since much of his birth isn't known to them. The time that the family ( except Alfred) forgot his birthday, he was hurt and felt that he wasn't truly a part of the family. When everyone else learnt of this, the entire Bat Family went to extreme measures to make up for it the following years. Damian has a room of unopened gifts, still. 

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote for this book, and make sure to comment! If you have any ideas for a headcanon or imagine, comment it, and I will definitely consider it!


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