chapter 4 - she leaves

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Barry's POV

At the house  I was thing about the future and then I there's another  thought came back to me
Caitlin. I snapped out of when iris was calling me

"Barry Barry Barry hey are you OK!"

"What what is  it iris"

"Umm  OK what were you thinking about or someone who is it?" She asks me

"Let it go iris I'm fine really"

"OK I let it go and hey it's like 12:00am now"

"Yeah I'm going to sleep now night iris"

I went to my room and locked the  door behind me. I laid on my bed for 1 minute then my phone rang I red the name tag on the caller it days. CAITLIN! I played it cool because she was my crush

"Hey Caitlin what's up is everything OK?I asked

" Barry! Stay away from me please!!"she said nervously

"Cait what are you talking about what do you mean stay away from you?!"I said confused

" she'll kill me and you if I tell you so you have a choice you didn't stay away I'll be killed or  you will stay away from me and I live!choose now!!"

"She?who's she cait I'll give you an answer-" I was cut off when she said


"Before I answer I have to see you I'll be right there" I said to her and hung up I sped off too her apartment I knocked on the door

----------FLASH BACK ----------

Caitlin's POV

I went home to my apartment I opened the door I stepped in side in my room I sat there and I was thinking of the future "are we really going to the future" I thought to my self I was still thinking when the doorbell rang I walked to the door

"Hello-oh there's no one there" I said I was about to close the door but something caught my eye I looked down and I saw a letter. I picked up the letter and I opened it and it says

Dear dr.Caitlin snow,

  I am Rachel Anderson from the future. And i can control minds and a speedster so dont mess with me OK. Now let's get to business I know your killer frost and Barry Allen is the flash and Cisco Ramon as vibe. And I also know Harrison wells or harry ,Joe west,iris west. And I know what do you 'do' for a living.You will do as I say OK this will you do:
1.stay away from Barry don't even look at don't talk to him no anything
2.erase the feelings for Barry
3.quit your 'job' at STAR labs away from here don't ever come back for 1 year
5.your leaving at June 15 at 7:00 am
P.S. if you tell anyone this I will kill the person who loves you the most meaning Barry
And another P.S. I am outside the building

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