chapter 24 - the accident

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Maxi's POV

I maxi the sister of the Scarlett speedster or the flash,I however have no powers so that's exciting anyway its been 1 week since I met Barry Allen or my older brother. I have talk to him about my resint update of my life since our parents gave me away I've been sad but that's change now because I've met Barry I am currently in my apartment thinking if I am gonna leave to go to STAR labs for a visit.A few minutes of thinking I desided that i am going to STAR labs so I went to the shower and got dressed in a pair skinny jeans and a red top and flats.I got my purse and I left. As soon I arrived at STAR labs I went to the cortex and I saw Caitlin

"Uh hi?" I said we'll its more like a question

"Hi maxi" she said back with a fake smile

"Have you seen Barry around" I ask

"I actually I've been avoiding him and plus he's about with val today" she said

"Well are you OK" I ask

"Why is everybody asking me that" she ask a little annoyed

"Um I'm sorry"

"No I'm sorry I'm just a little bit jealous- I mean I'm just a little bit sad without him" she said

"No way!" I squealed

"What?" She ask

"Are you like I mean in love with my brother?" I ask and she blushed like tomato

"Isn't obvious?"

"Yes see you're blushing" I said

"OK yes I am really in love with Barry ok just don't tell every single person on this building please promise me" she pleaded

"OK I promise" I said

"You promise what?"Cisco said while walking in

"Um I Caitlin?" I said while turning to Caitlin

"He knows that Im in love with you know who" she said while standing up

"Wait maxi knows? Since when" he ask

"About 15 seconds ago"I said

"Well now we are on the same boat" Cisco said

"Hey guys " Barry said while walking in a frown

"What is it Barry?" I ask while coming closer to him

"Val and I just oh forget its just some problem" he said while walking out of the cortex

"Is he OK or...." I trailed off

"I'm sure they will figure it out" Cisco said

"Yeah" Caitlin said

"OK well I'm gonna go see you guys later bye" I said waving

After I left the building I feel a little bit distracted and then a car just went out of no where and I think we've got into a crash

A\N - hey guys so so sorry for the long update
Is maxi gonna be OK??
You'll found out next chap bye guys have a nice day

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