chapter 8- explanation

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Caitlin's POV


"Heres to TEAM FLASH!" Cisco said

"Whooooo!" We all said and drunk a shot

Couple of hours later
A\N- this  is a flash back when Barry gets drunk and he is only the one who is drunk OK let's continue

"Hey guys we need to go home" said Joe,wally and iris

"OK see you guys tomorrow!" I said

"Well cait its just you and me......and drunk Barry" Cisco said

"Wait where's Ralph?"

"He left well I am gonna go too so have fun" Cisco said while walking out very quickly

"Oh damit"I said frustrated

"Hey KF how are you doing?" Barry said drunkly voice

"OK time to go c'mon Barry" I said

"Where are we going KF"

"Where do you want to go"

"To your apartment let me please can I crash at your place" he said

"Ooooook let's go" I said and we were making are to the parking light and we both got in the car and I drove to my apartment and we made are way to my door

"OK Barry were here" I said while opening the door

"Yeeeeeeeey" Barry ran to the couch

"OK Flash c'mon time for bed and I am-" I was cut off when he pulled me close into a hug

"Cait I'm so so so sorry"

"For what"

"For letting Ronnie die"

"Oh Barry its OK I forgive you I told you that"

"I know but I never forgave myself"


"Its my fault why his dead"

"No its not he choosed  to be there"

"OK but cait will you forget what just happened here tonight?"

"(Chuckles) OK flash" I winked

"Thank you KF"

"OK good ni-" I was cut off when he said

"I love you cait" he said and he pulled me close into a passionate kiss and I kissed back

"I love  you too" I said pulling away from the kiss and I walked away into my room but a gust of wind blew right in front of me I saw Barry

"Why do you even like me"

"Because you have a good heart and you cute" he said and he sped out of my bedroom I stopped him when I grab his arm and kissed him

"Can you forget about this?" I said

"You know I'm drunk"

"OK good night Barry" I said and I closed the door

The next day
At Caitlin's apartment

Barry's POV

I woke up at 6:00 in the morning I woke up in a couch and then I smelled some food coming from the kitchen I walked over there and I saw Caitlin cooking pancakes with a apron around her waist

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