chapter 26 - i know the truth

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Caitlin's POV

I am in my apartment thinking about vine and her 'team'. I am currently in my apartment eating ice cream alone while watching supernatural. I am wearing a flash tank top and pajama shortsand my hair was in a side braid and its 12:05 am and I am not sleepy. Yet.


I got up from the couch and went to the door

"Cait" Barry said

"Barry what are you doing?" I ask little embarrassed because I'm in a flash tank top

"Sorry if I interupt your Saturday but i was wondering if I could ugh" he started to think

"You want me to come to STAR labs with you?" I ask

"Yeah that because we found them" he said

"That great but I gotta go change ok"I said while pulling him inside and closing the door

"You know you could just go like that" he teased


"Yeah I mean I like your shirt" he said

"Oh right I forgot I am wearing a flash shirt" I said sarcastically

"Well go change" he ordered

"OK fine wait here" o said and walked into my room and pick white T-shirt and black flannel and a some skinny jeans and to top it all of some some blue converse. After I was done I went to the living room to get ready to leave

"Ready?" I ask but Barry was on the ground so I ran to him

"Barry!Barry! Hey! Wake up please wake up!" I pleaded

"He's not gonna wake up honey" a Girl said

"What did you to him!" I ask

"I just gives him some poison" she said

"Vine!" I said while turning into killer frost

Killer frost POV

"Oh honey you do really love him" she said

"Put him back!" I shouted coldly

"Sorry I can't she ordered it" she tells me

"Who's she?" I ask

"Me she meant me"a girl said

"Killer frost meet the control our boss" vine explained

"Our?" I ask

"Meet the rest of the team this is vibration,timer and vortex"she pointed to every person who stepped out of the shadows

"Look KF we need you to join us to destroy this city" control said

"Yeah sorry but I'm with the good guys" I said while a breach open up and I take Barry I my shoulders and jump in

At STAR labs

I jumped out of the breach and I landed on the speed lab

"Frost hey is everything ok"Joe ask

"Nope not at all" I said and they saw Barry

"Oh my god what happened" iris ask

"Vine happened" i said "they showed up in my apartment and poisoned Barry" I said

"How do we um reverse it" Cisco ask while bringing Barry into his arm

"I have no idea" I said while helping him

We played Barry in the bed for a while

"We need to stop them like right now" I said

"Yeah we know that frost but we don't know how to" Cisco said

"How about we like fight them"

"That a great Idea. Not. " cisco said

"We need to at least try" iris said

"Let's go try"cisco said

"Ralph c'mon" I ordered

Caitlin's POV

5 hours later

We deafeted vines team and we cured Barry from the poison and we were at wests house preparing

"Hey" Barry greeted how are you doing "he ask

"Good" I smiled "you" I returned the question

"Yep all good" he smiles back

"How your arm" I ask

"Feeling better thanks to you. Guys. " he finished

"Your welcome" I said

We talked all night and eventually we went home well in my case I went to STAR labs to do some work there. I arrived and I went to the cortex and fined maxi and Cisco talking

"Hey" I say

"Caitlin hey" they both said at the same time

"Uh every thing ok"I ask

They both looking at each other then said " yep we were just talking about-"Cisco was cut off when maxi finished him "you!" She shouts

"What about me" I ask curious

"We know that you like Barry" they said at the same time

"Hahaha h-how did you know -yeah OK yeah i like barry"

"So you wanna ask him out" maxi said

"Ugh thats not gonna happened for like a thousands years" i said

"Date him cait he likes you" she covered her mouth "ooops"

"Maxi it was supposed to be a surprise!" Cisco said

"Sorry but Caitlin I'm telling the truth" she said

"He like me" I ask surprised

"Go ask him" they said


"Snowbarry" they both said

"What the hell is snowbarry?" I ask

"Its a ship name Barry Allen + Caitlin snow = snowbarry" maxi explained

"I'll think about it"I said while walking away

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