Chapter 4

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The Weasley's plus Harry and Hermione returned to the Burrow in high spirits. Ron had bought Hermione a book she had been examining(with money Harry knew he had been saving for quite some time now) and George had found an abandoned shop nearby that was perfect for experiments. Unfortunately he seemed to realize how far behind his shop was, and decided to stay behind and work late instead of joining them at the Burrow. Mrs. Weasley has also gotten her errands finished, and was now busy frantically ordering everyone around.
Once Harry had wormed his way out of Mrs. Weasley's grip, he stopped Ginny in the hallway. "What?" She asked, confused. "Why is your face all red?"
It was? Great. "I, uh, got you something from Diagon Alley," Harry muttered, fishing it out of his pocket. It was poorly wrapped after being inside his jeans for so long, but it would have to do. "Open it."
Ginny did, then stared in amazement at the small gadget in her hand. "A broom compass?"
"I figured if you're going to be in the Holyhead Harpies, you might want one," Harry explained as she turned it over in fascination. Suddenly the words came tumbling out of him. "It's been updated since the last model-it has temperature and wind gages, which, you know, is helpful in a game. I guess you don't really need one, since you're already really good, but I thought-"
Ginny's hand stopped his mouth, and he stared at her in surprise. She stared back with a sincere look of gratitude, a smile tugging at the side of her lips. "It's perfect. I just wish I got you something too-"
"That defeats the purpose of a gift, unless it's Christmas," Harry pointed out. "And you wouldn't have to anyway."
"You never have to give a gift, either," she countered, smiling as his voice failed him and he smiled bashfully.
"No, I guess you don't," he admitted, and she leaned in for a kiss, her arms immediately going under his, while his arms went above hers and under her hair.
That night both he and Ron went to bed late, after staying up talking to their girlfriends. They both seemed surprised as they saw each other approach the door at the same time, then grinned sheepishly.
"You too, huh?" Ron asked as he pushed it open.
"Yeah," Harry admitted, grinning. "Was it Hermione or you doing most of the talking?"
"Mostly Hermione," Ron admitted, suddenly taking in a worried look. "She says her parents want to 'officially' meet me this week and have me over for dinner." He looked at Harry fearfully. "I've never been to a muggle's house before-I mean, besides the time we rescued you our second year."
"They're a bit different, yeah," Harry admitted, feeling strange talking about muggles like they were a foreign species-especially after living with them for so long. "But it's not that difficult. They just cook with a stove and stuff-oh, and they use a telephone, not a fellytone."
"Right," Ron said nervously. "Hermione explained a lot of it to me, but I don't know. I don't even know what I should wear-would it be weird to wear dress robes?"
"I'd stick to normal, er, Muggle clothes," Harry admitted. "Hermione can help you with that, though-I'm not sure I'd be a big help there."
"Right you are, mate," Ron said, laughing. "At least you have it lucky with Ginny-mum already loves you."
"Yeah, no kidding." He hesitated before asking cautiously, "Is it...weird for you, though? Having your best friend date your sister?"
Ron paused in the middle of buttoning his pajama shirt. Harry couldn't help watching his expression in anticipation, and was relieved to see it thoughtful instead of enraged. "A little," he admitted. "But hey, you have to put up with your two best friends being together, so I'd say we're even."
"Right," Harry agreed, though he was staring off at something else now. "Hey, is that the book you gave me? About how girls work?"
"Yeah, you left it here when we went searching for the Hallows," Ron replied, tossing it over to him. Harry caught it with ease. "Told you it'd come in handy. Oh, and chapter 5 is super helpful. Especially tonight-I mean, it says girls on average talk more than boys, and how important it is to be a good listener..."
Ron drawled on like this for a while and Harry nodded absently, more immersed in the book than Ron's conversation. He never thought he'd need a book for relationships, but if it was good enough to get Ron and Hermione together, then it was definitely worth a try.

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